Facebook Live: Diabetes & Coronavirus

Expert endocrinologists Dr. Steve Edelman and Dr. Jeremy Pettus answer the most common and pressing questions posed by the diabetes community regarding COVID-19. Watch the recorded live stream to help you feel more confident about managing diabetes during this unpredictable time.

Watch more Facebook Live videos here!

  1. Excellent talk. You folks at TCOYD (aka TCOViD) are fantastic. Helping all of us lucky enough to have diabetes, and learning how to avoid and survive COVID-19, is appreciated greatly.Thanks

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      Thank you David, and thank YOU for all you do. Take good care and stay safe and healthy.

  2. Avatar

    Thank you! It was s really good video. Very informative. I

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      Thanks for watching, Georgia! More to come every week. Take care and stay safe!

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    I have type 2 diabetes I’m in San Francisco and I’m really concerned I stay home I only go out for grocery shopping

    • Hi Elia,
      I would not worry too much as you are doing what everyone in the U.S. should be doing. Get a mask or a cloth to cover your face for when you go to the store. Wash your hands often and especially when you get home from the store as well. Take good care –

  4. Avatar

    Thank you for putting my mind a bit more at ease! I have really been stressed about the possibility of getting this disease…. I’m 67 years old, and have been a T1D for48 years. I’ve never been as worried about being a diabetic, than I am, now! Your “ talk” gave me strenghth, and a more positive feeling about my ability to cope!

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      Thanks Holly, that’s good to hear. It’s important to be careful and follow all the recommended guidelines, but those positive feelings will help. 🙂

  5. Avatar

    Thanks Steve and Jeremy!! Good post! Thanks for all your doing. Xx

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    Thank you, Steve & Jeremy, for helping allay our fears and concerns in an upbeat, positive way. You are so enjoyable to watch and learn from. Please know that I appreciate the effort you put into educating and enlightening those affected or afflicted with diabetes.

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    I’m enjoying your talks. Please turn up the volume. I have a difficult time hearing everything you are sharing.

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    Yes very good blog. Keep them coming. I am a 58 been,diabetic for 48 years. Have seen a huge transfer in care of diabetes. From testing urine in a test tube. 5 drops of urine to 10 drops of water. Pkace a tablet in and compare the color. To continue Glucose monitoring. And the pump. Always have been proactive of my care. Which I feel every diabetic should be. Stay safe everyone.

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      Thanks Teresa and good for you for being so proactive! Take care and stay healthy! 🙂

  9. Avatar

    That was great! Thank you! TCOYD is such a valuable resource. Your advice helped me get on CGM and a pump. Game changer. Keep up the good work guys!

  10. Great info, thank you for caring! I have been type 1 diabetic for 50 years this years and always pick up something new when listening to your videos.

  11. Avatar

    Thank you Dr. Steve Edelman and Dr. Jeremy Pettus . The information set my mind at ease and assist me in providing information to my friends and family with diabetes population

  12. Avatar

    Great to see you up and LIVE giving diabetes community questions a run or terrific answers.

    Hope to see you both at the August 21-23 ONE event. Wondering if this event will still happen???

    Suzi and I will look for a Hotel with cancellation policy, just in case but really stoked to get in on this event.

    Take good care,
    Bill Carlson

    • Hey Bill, No one knows for sure, but August 20th is a loooonnnnnggg time from now and we are hopeful our country will be back in full swing! Stay well.

  13. Avatar

    Nice vibes! Well done as always covering many questions of concern. Looking forward to next visual session. Thanks for giving your time to all of us on this matter of importance.

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      Thanks Jacqueline. It’s important to take this seriously and follow guidelines but also be positive and proactive where we can. Take good care.

  14. Avatar

    Thank you,Steve & Jeremy, for your upbeat, lighthearted, yet enlightening video. You both put so much effort into helping us diabetics that it is greatly appreciated.

  15. Avatar


    Thanks for the very informative discussion. I have a question – one of my family members is a hospital care worker living in the same household as me (I am a Type 1). Should I be concerned that he is going back and forth from the hospital everyday? and if so should I plan on finding a different place to live during this time?

    Thanks again!

    • There are a lot of folks doing that now. Another option is if you have an upstairs and downstairs or a basement where you can be separated, and both wear masks and be super careful with hand washing and not touching your face. If you have a ton of comorbidities and tight quarters, you may consider living separately for awhile.

  16. Avatar

    Dr Edelman and Dr Pettus are the voice of practical wisdom and calm. Thank you! For us parents who are so far away from our loved ones, thank you!

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