Cardio Home Workout from Diabetes Strong

The world seems to have changed overnight and many of us can no longer stick to our daily routines. But that just means that we have to establish new ones.

And although change can be scary, we should perhaps try to turn the situation around and see this as an opportunity to establish fun and sustainable exercise habits. Who knows, good new exercise habits may even stick when life returns to normal.

I enjoy exercise and was truly sad when my gym closed due to COVID-19, but it also forced me to establish new routines and try new ways of exercising at home. The truth is that you can do some great home workouts, even if you don’t have access to any workout equipment.

But it’s not as fun to exercise alone, so this video is an opportunity to do a home workout with me and get that one step closer to establishing (or fine polishing) your COVID-19 exercise routine.

Please remember to watch your blood sugar carefully before, during, and after the workout and have juice or glucose tabs ready to treat a low blood sugar.




Christel Oerum has been living with type 1 diabetes since 1997. She is the main content creator on Diabetes Strong and Diabetic Foodie, and is an active diabetes advocate, public speaker, and diabetes coach.

  1. It is a great explanation and quite intresting too but which cardio excercises effects the most?

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