My Experience Using Trulicity


I am a type 2 diabetic, having been so diagnosed in early 1990. Keeping my blood sugar levels (BSL) in range, is, and has from the beginning been, a real challenge for me. Of the trinity – diet, exercise and medication – I am very compliant about taking my meds, especially after I began using a Continuous Glucose Monitor; but diet and exercise, not so much! I was a jock when I was younger, but after I graduated from college and joined the workforce, I gave up sports and exercise. Food is a passion and a major source of enjoyment for my wife and me. We love Italian, Spanish, and Asian dishes in particular, and going out to eat is one of our favorite things to do. Fortunately for my wife, she can eat anything and in any amount and not gain an ounce, and her BSL is well within range. I, on the other hand, pick up her slack!

About a year and a half ago, at about 225 pounds (40 more than I need) and with my numbers jumping up and down between 90 and 300 daily, my physician Dr. Steve Edelman of Taking Control of Your Diabetes (TCOYD) fame suggested I add Trulicity to my list of medications. Despite my trepidation of giving myself a shot, I of course followed his advice. He prescribed an injection of 1.5 mg/0.5 ml once weekly. The results were pretty astounding. Within the month, without altering my lifestyle, I dropped almost 15 pounds, and my BSL began to drop, and more importantly, level off. After about a year and a half, my weight, which I am still not happy about, dropped to about 205 and my numbers seldom exceeded 200, and are generally within range (70 – 140) about 60% of the time.

Trulicity is very easy to use, and if you bring the pen to room temperature before you administer your injection, it is generally painless, although once in a while you might feel a little “burn”. That said, and I can’t deny, just as I did when sticking my finger to check my blood, I wince every time I hit the plunger in anticipation of that little discomfort. I imagine that’s just human nature, and I’m always happily relieved when I don’t feel it. We travel frequently, and I just take the number of pens I will need and put them into my toiletry kit. I have never been questioned about them by the airlines. Although I understand the pens should be refrigerated, if refrigeration is not available, keeping them at room temperature does not seem to be a problem.*

Recently we spent three weeks in Barcelona. I prefer to use the word inadvertently, but the correct word should be stupidly, I forgot to reorder my Trulicity and did not have any injections to take with me while we were there. Despite walking nearly eight miles a day (remember there is at least one delicious bakery with fresh warm bread every block), I began to experience a few minor health issues and my BSL went out of sight; as high as 450 a few times. Upon returning home, I contacted Dr. Edelman and promptly had my Trulicity prescription refilled. Within two hours, I dropped about 150 points. I have still not leveled off to where I should be, but my BSLs are greatly improved, and all I can attribute that to is Trulicity. Now if I could only figure out how to lose the additional 15 pounds and as is every diabetic’s dream, still avoid diet and exercise…

Since you are reading this and obviously have an interest in diabetes management, I suggest you follow TCOYD and take some of the online classes and seminars that are available and free to the public. Very, very informative!

*Please Note: The Lilly website does recommend that you store your pen in the refrigerator and do NOT freeze it. If you decide to travel with your Trulicity pens, you can keep them at room temperature (below 86 degrees F, 30 degrees C) for up to 1 day.


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    how do I get a discount on trulicity I do not qualify for a card due to I am on medicare. what else can I do

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    Been using Trulicity once a week for around three months along with Tresiba before bed and Metformin at supper. All three medications are a scam. My levels have not come in control. Just eating ice and lettuce is the only solution I guess.

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    Please suggest if you have stopped taking this medicine after you have reached the ideal weight/glycemic control.
    From reading your Barcelona incident, I am just concerned if I start it, I may never go back to normal T2 oral medications, which I am currently taking.

    • Because this drug works on the hunger and satiety centers of the brain, unless you make some major changes and develop a lot more will power than you likely ever had, you’re probably going to gain some of the weight back if you stop taking it. My point is this…if these drugs keep your blood sugar down, protect your heart, and your kidneys, then why would you want to stop taking them?

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