Why I Wanted to Try Ozempic
Both of my parents had type 2 diabetes for most of their adult life. When my sister was diagnosed with diabetes two years ago, and my twin sister was diagnosed with early stages of diabetes, I began to become concerned. I know the disease is hereditary, so I decided to seek professional help. Keep in mind, I was about 65 pounds overweight at this time, so this concern was real. Dr. Steve Edelman was the specialist I worked with to help me with my numbers and prevent me from getting diabetes. He put me on Ozempic to keep my A1c in line.
How Ozempic Affected My Eating Habits & Sugar Cravings
I am not 100% sure how Ozempic works, but Dr. Edelman told me that Ozempic does two things: it reduces your appetite, and it induces satiety (getting full faster). It may help people change their eating habits too because it helps people eat less at one time, and also space out meals. I will say that it took my mind off of food thoughts. I typically would eat when I was hungry, and also when I was not hungry. I would eat when something delicious was in front of me, and sugar was my favorite food group. Somehow, not only did this medication make me feel full, but it also took my mind off of food. My desire for sugar was nonexistent. I felt so much better without all that sugar in my body. The weight loss motivated me to get back into the gym which, as we all know, has many many benefits.
Side Effects I Experienced on Ozempic
The downside of the medication is that it did make me feel a bit nauseous. I did throw up a few times in the beginning, but my body got used to it within the first month. I still feel a bit nauseous for about two days after the injection, but I can live with that. Other common side effects include:
- Diarrhea
- Stomach (abdominal) pain
- Constipation
How Ozempic Changed My Life
I had tried diets for years with not much luck. As the years went on, I would gain about 10 pounds per year. Not a good path to be on. Ozempic was a lifesaver for me. My experience with Ozempic was that not only did it help to regulate my blood sugar numbers, but it also helped me lose 50 pounds!
Because of the weight loss, my confidence has been boosted with Ozempic. When I look in the mirror, I’m not disgusted with my body. I feel as though I can do things that I have not done in years because I have been self-conscious. I did not realize the things I was avoiding because I was so overweight. Now I feel I can live life to its fullest. I really did not realize how the weight ties you down. I love having my mind off food, and I love not carrying around the extra weight.
Knowing that I can beat my genetics with Ozempic has relieved me from the stress of worrying about diabetes. And of course, being 50 pounds thinner has made it easier to move and exercise and look better in clothing. I’m grateful to Dr. Edelman for taking me on as a client and for helping me change my life!
-Maggie J.
Additional Resources:
Ozempic: What Is It and How to Use It
Can Medications Like Ozempic and Mounjaro Reduce Belly Fat?
Curious besides the weight loss benefits why is this a preferred drug over trulicity? Thanks
They are both great drugs, but Ozempic tends to have slightly better glucose lowering and weight loss. If you are on Trulicity, keep in mind you can go up to 4.5 mg weekly to get the maximum effects.
My internist wants me to start using Ozempic for weight loss and better glucose control.
I always was told I had adult onset type 1.
I don’t make insulin.
I’m on an insulin pump and use CGM.
My endocrinologist says there is data that shows Ozempic can cause retinopathy or make it worse if you already have it.
She is reluctant about prescribing it for type 1’s.
I was happy to have something that could help me but now I’m thinking twice. What do you know about this or where can I find out more?
There’s a lot of information online, but Ozempic could definitely be helpful for you in losing weight and it will also help improve your blood sugars. As for the retinopathy, it is not an issue at all, in my opinion. However, some people may say that if you have unstable retinopathy (meaning you need therapy or it’s getting worse), it could make things worse, but I would not let that stop you.