New Year, New Source of Peer Support!

It’s about that time of year when we start reminiscing on the year behind us and planning resolutions for the year ahead. Finding ways to be healthier and improve diabetes management is usually at the top of everyone’s list. Sometimes the best ideas come from peers – and thanks to the online diabetes community at Smart Patients, there’s a convenient and safe way to connect with others affected by diabetes to share information and support.

Personalized Peer Support

While there are many social networks and online communities, the custom-built communities at Smart Patients offer a unique experience for members. Conversations are arranged using tags to make it easy to find what you’re looking for, and are safely protected since they’re only searchable for other members.

Diabetes is an especially important area because it affects so many people in different ways. On Smart Patients, you can follow whichever tags you want – that means people from different communities who want to discuss common issues like health insurance or communicating with your doctor can all learn even more from each other. You follow the tags that interest you and learn about the topics that matter to you most.


The conversations our members have on Smart Patients cover a wide spectrum of physical, practical and emotional topics. Here are some examples of topics that are being discussed in the communities right now…..

  • Type 1 diabetes and young people
  • Best breakfast to start your day
  • Feeling frustrated
  • Clinical trials for diabetics
  • Helpful diabetic programs from employers
  • Healthy ways to diet with diabetes
  • Dealing with your insurance company
  • Go-to meals when you’re on the go

Keep the Conversations Going

The community isn’t meant to replace in-person learning, but to complement it. As TCOYD conference participants, consider Smart Patients to be an opportunity to continue your conversations after the conference. What did you learn? What new questions do you have? What inspired you to reevaluate your diabetes management? You can even share what you have learned with people who weren’t able to attend and extend the learning beyond the conference.

When you’re ready, we invite you to join the Smart Patients diabetes community by visiting

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