This Year (and Every Year), Celebrate Your Victories and Embrace Imperfection

Celebrate Your Victories

We all have inner gremlins whispering in our ears about the things we mess up on or feel insecure about. Throw in the daily challenges of managing diabetes, and it’s a recipe for a downward spiral in self-confidence. Scott Johnson helps us shift perspective into a more positive and empowering way to live with diabetes.

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This Diabetes Awareness Month, Don’t Forget about the Things You Do RIGHT!

A Dose of Dr. E and P

How often do you celebrate your wins with diabetes? Have you ever? Take a moment and pat yourself on the back for all the things you manage on a daily basis. Woke up with a decent blood sugar? Nailed a bolus? Took a walk around the block instead of watching Seinfeld? Drs. E+P remind us how important it is to celebrate our victories, big and small.

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5 Steps to Reframe Negative Thoughts about Diabetes

5 Steps to Reframe Negative Thoughts about Diabetes

In addition to all the daily things we have to do to manage diabetes, there’s an emotional part that doesn’t always get the attention it deserves, and it can have a huge impact on our well-being. Diabetes psychologist Mark Heyman offers an effective strategy to help us take care of our mental health.

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How to Divert the Diabetes Police

When you deal with diabetes every day, it can make a big difference when you have people in your life giving you the support you need. But sometimes that support is the wrong kind. Here’s how to redirect efforts away from things that drive you crazy and toward actions that can really help.

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