What do you think is the most crucial aspect of diabetes management? Nutrition? Medications? Glucose monitoring? They’re all important, but there’s an often overlooked component that can have a huge impact on your health.
read more →One of our core beliefs at TCOYD is that you are your own best advocate when it comes to your health. CDCES Meg Munoz shares 4 tips on how to be proactive in taking control of your diabetes alongside your healthcare team.
read more →Navigating life as a military spouse can be stressful enough, but when you throw in managing type 1, moving, and starting on a new pump, it can be almost too much to bear. Switching to mail order diabetes supplies made a big difference for this T1D’s quality of diabetes life.
read more →It’s a new year and a fresh start, so fuhgeddabout any epic fails from the past and join us in kicking off 2023 with positive vibes. We’re sharing a few of our all-time favorite quotes and words of encouragement on living well with diabetes that we hope you’ll carry with you through the year.
read more →The holiday season can bring a lot of additional activity to our daily and weekly routines, which can have an effect on our blood sugars. Here are a few tips on creating a treatment plan so you are prepared in case of a severe hypoglycemic event.
read more →Achieving blood glucose targets early in treatment creates a glycemic legacy of better health that extends well into the future. If you live with type 2 diabetes, here are three important tips on how to you can give yourself the gift of good health for years to come.
read more →Digital health became a necessity during the pandemic, but important benefits emerged for people with diabetes. Dr. Linda Guadiani shares her personal and clinical experience with this new era of digital connection, and she explains how it has improved diabetes management for her patients.
read more →Our international panel of diabetes experts discussed highlights from the ADA’s Scientific Sessions, and lead a Q&A on some of the most important advances in diabetes.
read more →Bigfoot Biomedical’s brand new, first-of-its-kind Unity Diabetes Management System uses smart pen caps that incorporate FreeStyle Libre 2 CGM data and provider instructions to offer insulin dosing recommendations for people on multiple daily injections.
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