The BD™ Diabetes Care App offers educational support, nutritional resources, data logging, goal setting, and lots of other helpful diabetes management resources.
read more →The BD™ Diabetes Care App offers educational support, nutritional resources, data logging, goal setting, and lots of other helpful diabetes management resources.
read more →Is it more important to consider carbs or calories when you’re trying to make smart food choices to manage diabetes? It depends on your goals to some degree, but you don’t want to focus so much on one that you lose sight of the other. Dr. Edelman shares some of his favorite foods that balance both.
read more →Who do you relate to more when it comes to diabetes management? An angel who follows the recommended guidelines (Jeremy/Gallant), or a stubborn hellion easily influenced by temptation (Steve/Goofus)? Check out some of these scenarios from Dr. E. and see if you are who you think you are.
read more →Switching CGM systems can be a scary process, even if you’re ready for a change. Dan Barton found a unique way of calming his fears by wearing two CGMs at once and double monitoring. He shares his experience, results, and the pros and cons of each system.
read more →Our 14th Annual Diabetes Forum featured engaging and informative panel discussions from the world’s leading diabetes experts, and highlighted the latest developments in diabetes care from ADA’s Scientific Sessions.
read more →It may feel good to have a healthcare provider with a great bedside manner, but does empathy impact health outcomes beyond the “feel good” effect?
read more →Our mission is to provide education and motivation to all people with diabetes, especially in communities where healthcare resources are lacking. We’re constantly adding to our online resources so you and your loved ones can stay connected to the diabetes community wherever you are.
read more →With sheltering at home guidelines still in place, it can be challenging to keep diabetes management a priority. However, there’s a lot you can do to keep your diabetes regimen on track. Dr. Edelman and Dr. Pettus delve into areas you can check on yourself, including basal doses, insulin sensitivity/correction factors, carb ratios, pre-and-post meal blood sugars and lifestyle modifications. Take this time to take control of your diabetes!
read more →NeedyMeds is a 501(c)(3) national non-profit information source that connects people to programs that will help them afford their medications and other healthcare costs.
read more →People with diabetes and their providers all have the same treatment goal – good health! So why do we often get our signals crossed? Dr. Faith Cook offers insights and solutions on ways to make appointments better and relationships stronger.
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