Carbs vs. Calories: Don’t Be Out to Lunch!

Is it more important to consider carbs or calories when you’re trying to make smart food choices to manage diabetes? It depends on your goals to some degree, but you don’t want to focus so much on one that you lose sight of the other. Dr. Edelman shares some of his favorite foods that balance both.

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The Goofus and Gallant of Diabetes

Who do you relate to more when it comes to diabetes management? An angel who follows the recommended guidelines (Jeremy/Gallant), or a stubborn hellion easily influenced by temptation (Steve/Goofus)? Check out some of these scenarios from Dr. E. and see if you are who you think you are.

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COVID-19 & Diabetes: A Great Time to Evaluate Your Diabetes Regimen at Home!

With sheltering at home guidelines still in place, it can be challenging to keep diabetes management a priority. However, there’s a lot you can do to keep your diabetes regimen on track. Dr. Edelman and Dr. Pettus delve into areas you can check on yourself, including basal doses, insulin sensitivity/correction factors, carb ratios, pre-and-post meal blood sugars and lifestyle modifications. Take this time to take control of your diabetes!

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