What’s Hiding in Your CGM Download?

Dr. E's Case Study

Dr. E’s 85-year-old patient José came to his last endo appointment with a stellar CGM report. Jose’s download stated that his time in range was 78%, his average glucose was 146 mg/dL, and his estimated A1c was 6.8% without any low blood sugars. But a very important data point was missing from the CGM report’s overview, providing an important reminder for both patients and providers.

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2024 Diabetes Milestones in Devices, Treatments, and Research

2024 Diabetes Milestones

When diabetes lives with you day-to-day like a stage five clinger, it can be easy to feel like advancements in care aren’t happening at a fast enough pace. But we’re here to tell you, things are happening! Here’s a short list of some of the progress we saw in 2024, including new pumps, new CGMs, and exciting research studies with promising results.

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The Latest on Insulin Pumps for Type 2s: We’re Here to Pump You Up! 💪✌️

Insulin Pumps for Type 2 Diabetes

If you have type 2 diabetes, it’s time to get PUMPED! Insulin pumps are becoming more available for people with T2D, and it’s about time. Never worn a pump before? No problem…Drs. E+P explain how they work, key features, basal and bolus options, current pumps on the market, and a new pump designed for the type 2 community that’s coming soon.

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Over-the-Counter Glucose Biosensing is Here: What It Means for Type 2 Diabetes and Prediabetes Management 

Dexcom Stelo

The Dexcom Stelo CGM was FDA-approved in March for adults with type 2 diabetes who are not on insulin, and it’s now available for purchase without a prescription. Stelo sends continuous blood sugar readings to a smartphone 24/7, revealing how food, exercise, and sleep can affect your blood glucose. It’s an empowering tool to help people with T2D better understand how glucose affects their health.

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CGM Data Goes Hands-Free (But You Still Need a Wrist!) Dexcom’s G7 CGM Now Connects Directly to Apple Watch

Dexcom G7 Now Connects to Apple Watch

Many of us treat our phones like a fifth appendage, but now we can opt to leave our phones at home and still get CGM data. Dexcom recently announced that their G7 CGM can now connect directly to the Apple Watch for users in the U.S, offering people the freedom of real-time glucose readings even when their phone isn’t with them.

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FDA Approves Abbott’s Libre Rio and Lingo Over-the-Counter CGMs

Man wearing a continuous glucose monitor (CGM) sensor on the back of his arm, with a smartphone screen displaying real-time glucose data in a colorful graph.

The over-the-counter CGM market has two new players…the Lingo and Libre Rio. The two systems created by Abbott were intentionally designed to meet different needs – Lingo for those who want to better understand and improve their health and wellness, and Libre Rio for adults with type 2 diabetes who do not use insulin and typically manage their diabetes through lifestyle modifications.

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