2024 Diabetes Milestones in Devices, Treatments, and Research

2024 Diabetes Milestones

When diabetes lives with you day-to-day like a stage five clinger, it can be easy to feel like advancements in care aren’t happening at a fast enough pace. But we’re here to tell you, things are happening! Here’s a short list of some of the progress we saw in 2024, including new pumps, new CGMs, and exciting research studies with promising results.

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How to Take a Pump-Cation During Summer Vacation

Beach vacations, pool parties, impromptu cannonballs….sometimes you just need a break from your pump so you can dive into a pool without worry. Or maybe you want to change up your diabetes routine, or maybe your pump fails and you need to go on MDI for a while. Whatever the reason, taking a pump vacation is entirely doable. Drs. E+P explain what you need to know to do it safely and successfully.

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