How to Take a Pump-Cation During Summer Vacation

Beach vacations, pool parties, impromptu cannonballs….sometimes you just need a break from your pump so you can dive into a pool without worry. Or maybe you want to change up your diabetes routine, or maybe your pump fails and you need to go on MDI for a while. Whatever the reason, taking a pump vacation is entirely doable. Drs. E+P explain what you need to know to do it safely and successfully.

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How Diabetes Tech Can Help This Patient with Type 2 Diabetes and Alzheimer’s Disease

Dr. E's Case Study

Dr. Edelman’s patient has been living with type 2 diabetes for many years, and unfortunately he was recently diagnosed with Alzheimer’s Disease. His CGM does not automatically provide readings, and he’s forgetting to take his mealtime insulin so his blood sugars are running high. Dr. Edelman offered a few ideas that his patient and caregivers can implement to help bring his blood sugars into a healthier range.

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Higher Dose Basal Insulin in Type 2 Diabetes: Challenges and Solutions

Challenges with Higher Dose Basal Insulin Dosing

Taking large basal insulin doses consistently can be tough. Have you ever had your insulin pen stop before you finished loading your dose? Have you ever had a hard time remembering to even take it? CDCES Meg Munoz offers tips on working with your doctor to address your basal insulin needs.

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Size Matters! All About Needles and Multiple Daily Injections

May 2023 Dose of Doctors E and P on MDI

Are you a rule follower or are you a rebel when it comes to injections? Do you faithfully use alcohol wipes, or do you casually stick yourself through your shirt? Drs. E+P share which injection rules are okay to break, and which ones to follow. They discuss proper technique, needle size, lipohypertrophy, and a unique methodology Dr. E invented himself that’s now on Wikipedia!

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