How to Prevent and Treat Diabetic Macular Edema

You probably know that diabetes can affect your vision, but do you know why? If you have too much sugar in your bloodstream, over time it can damage the blood vessels in your eyes. But with regular checkups, good blood sugar control, and other tips we’ll discuss in this article, you can prevent or delay the complications of diabetic eye disease.

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What to Know about MASLD and MASH: Two Liver Conditions that Can Affect People with Diabetes

Diabetes and Liver Disease

Liver disease affects up to 70% of people with type 2 diabetes, and often there are no noticeable symptoms. For those who have risk factors such as obesity, hypertension, insulin resistance and/or high cholesterol, early detection is crucial to allow for timely treatment and a reduced chance of developing other serious complications.

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Musculoskeletal Complications: Diabetes Is a Pain in the Neck (and the shoulders, and the hips, and the knees…)

diabetes and musculoskeletal issues

Diabetes is a pain in a lot of places besides the neck. Our hands, shoulders, hips, and knees can sometimes be affected as well. It’s important to know how diabetes can affect the musculoskeletal system so you can be proactive in trying to prevent issues, and aware of symptoms if they do develop.

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Medications and Other Treatment Options to Reduce Complications from Type 2 Diabetes

SGLT2s and type 2 diabetes treatment options

We are fortunate to have many medications today to treat type 2 diabetes. Beyond improving glucose levels, some of these medications also have beneficial effects on other conditions that are common in people with type 2, such as heart failure and diabetic kidney disease.

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