When you deal with diabetes every day, it can make a big difference when you have people in your life giving you the support you need. But sometimes that support is the wrong kind. Here’s how to redirect efforts away from things that drive you crazy and toward actions that can really help.
read more →Movies, TV, podcasts…the subject of sex is everywhere, yet we’re still pretty shy when it comes to talking about it as it relates to our health. Diabetes PA Nalani Haviland offers straightforward advice on how to shrug off the awkward and have honest conversations with our partner and providers.
read more →Introducing our new Facebook community groups for type 1s, type 2s, and family/friends! Join TCOYD on Facebook and find your individualized group where you can share ideas and communicate with people who get it!
read more →Dating can cause enough anxiety without throwing in the curveball of diabetes. How do you know when it’s the right time to share this part of your life with a new partner?
read more →We know support from others can be a critical component to thriving with diabetes. However, not everyone wants or needs help. Here’s how you can determine the best way to support your loved one.
read more →Blood sugar testing at the dinner table? A diabetic downing a dessert? The horror!
Dr. Edelman shares some creative reminders on how NOT to dine with a diabetic.
iving with type 1 diabetes isn’t just hard for the person living with the disease, but it can be hard for their loved ones as well. If you have ever wondered how to not have an argument when your spouse is low, or how to suggest foods to eat without nagging or being the diabetes police, then this talk is for you. It’s like diabetes couples therapy.
read more →We mean well. We really do. We only want the best for our loved ones, but sometimes we unintentionally say or do the wrong thing when we’re trying to help. Dr. Bill Polonsky, founder of the Behavioral Diabetes Institute, offers these tips on how best to support someone you care about who is living with diabetes.
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