Worrying about extreme low blood sugars is common for many people with type 1, but there are also some people who are so concerned about continuously high blood sugars they keep their numbers dangerously low.
read more →Worrying about extreme low blood sugars is common for many people with type 1, but there are also some people who are so concerned about continuously high blood sugars they keep their numbers dangerously low.
read more →Starting a new job can give anyone a little anxiety, but when diabetes is thrown in the mix it can be a lot more stressful. Here are a couple of strategies that can help ease the transition to a new work environment.
read more →Dating can cause enough anxiety without throwing in the curveball of diabetes. How do you know when it’s the right time to share this part of your life with a new partner?
read more →Diabetes psychologist (and type 1) Dr. Mark Heyman addresses a very common fear for people living with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
read more →If your diabetes doctor thinks you should start insulin, it doesn’t mean you aren’t managing your condition well. You probably need to start insulin because your pancreas is failing, not you.
read more →We know support from others can be a critical component to thriving with diabetes. However, not everyone wants or needs help. Here’s how you can determine the best way to support your loved one.
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