About: Sarah Tomlinson

Sarah Tomlinson is an internationally acclaimed Yantrika (Yantra teacher and practitioner) yoga teacher and artist. Sarah worked extensively with her mentor Harish Johari in India where he initiated her into the spiritual practice of painting Yantras. Sarah teaches yoga and counsels people on the mental and emotional challenges of coping with type 1 Diabetes. Sarah coaches them through major life events including pregnancy and birth. Sarah is the author of “Coloring Yantras” Shambhala Publishing, 2017, and creator of the Yantra Bliss Oracle Deck. She leads retreats and Yoga and Yantra workshops around the world and enjoys lots of time by the ocean with her husband and two young boys. Sarahyantra.com
Posts by Sarah Tomlinson:
- The Upsides of Downward Dog for People with Diabetes (August 10, 2018 - Exercise and Fitness, Meditation, Stress, Type 1, Type 2, Yoga)