Dr. Edelman takes on the role of an indifferent, judgy doctor and Dr. Pettus plays a clueless patient in these exaggerated scenarios that emphasize the importance of good communication during doctor’s appointments.
read more →Dr. Edelman takes on the role of an indifferent, judgy doctor and Dr. Pettus plays a clueless patient in these exaggerated scenarios that emphasize the importance of good communication during doctor’s appointments.
read more →Know Diabetes by Heart and TCOYD held a very important and informative Facebook Live with Know Diabetes By Heart ambassadors Jacqueline Alikhaani and Hyvelle Ferguson, who shared their personal stories dealing with diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
read more →Our 14th Annual Diabetes Forum featured engaging and informative panel discussions from the world’s leading diabetes experts, and highlighted the latest developments in diabetes care from ADA’s Scientific Sessions.
read more →Primary Care Providers are responsible for about 90% of all diabetes care in the U.S. – the reality being there simply aren’t enough diabetes specialists or endocrinologists to go around. Open and honest communication between patient and provider lays the groundwork for long-term success in diabetes management.
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