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A common misconception in the diabetes community is that those with type 2 diabetes don’t wear insulin pumps, or if they do, they’ve somehow failed to take responsibility for managing their disease. In fact, nothing could be further from the truth. People with insulin-requiring type 2 diabetes can take control of their diabetes by reaping the benefits of insulin pump therapy, especially those who find it a challenge to meet blood sugar goals.
Insulin pumps are small, computerized devices that deliver a continuous dose of rapid acting insulin through a tiny flexible tube called a canula that is inserted under the skin with a fine needle. The idea is to mimic how a normal working pancreas would release insulin into the body. Pumps are designed to deliver insulin 24 hours a day according to a programmed (but adjustable) plan that is unique to the wearer and typically includes two methods of dosing. The basal dose accounts for blood sugar levels between meals and eliminates the need for an injection of long acting insulin. The bolus dose controls blood sugar levels after meals, which can be used to correct a blood sugar that is out of range.
One of the many pump options available to the type 2 community is the Omnipod DASH™ Insulin Management System. The Omnipod DASH System has been voted the 2020 Product of the Year in the Health Systems category. Product of the Year is the largest consumer-voted award for product innovation with 40,000 U.S. consumers surveyed by Kantar.
Designed with user discretion and convenience in mind, the Omnipod DASH System is the first and only tubeless device that can provide three days of non-stop insulin delivery. Its unique design consists of just two parts: a lightweight, tubeless, waterproof*, wearable Pod controlled by a smartphone-like touch screen Bluetooth® enabled controller. The Pod can be worn almost anywhere an injection would be administered and the automatic insertion to activate the Pod means never having see or handle a needle. A suite of mobile apps for iPhone/iOS users allows for even more discretion and convenience, providing remote access to diabetes data. Ultimately, the Omnipod DASH System provides users with a simple and effective solution that fits easily into their lives, eliminating the burden of syringes, pens and tubes. What’s more, it’s available through the pharmacy with no commitment or lock in periods, depending upon insurance. These are some of the reasons 97%1 of users would recommend it to others.
Just ask John Hale. John is a 69 years young veteran of the United States Air Force, lawyer, husband, father and grandfather who is passionate about the Omnipod DASH System. Diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in 1999, John, like so many others, struggled to control his blood sugar and suffered with both vision and memory issues.
“For me fighting this disease was like a full-time job. I was taking six to eight insulin shots a day. I went in for a visit with my endocrinologist and he said John, your A1C is far too high. Then he told me about the Omnipod [DASH System] … When I went on the Ominpod [DASH System] I forgot about it being there. I have the freedom to do everything I did before I went on insulin.”
Today, John feels like he’s 35.
If you have type 2 diabetes and require multiple daily insulin injections, you may want to ask your doctor about the Omnipod DASH System.
*The Pod has a waterproof IP28 rating for up to 25 feet for 60 minutes. The PDM is not waterproof
The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by the Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by Insulet Corporation is under license.
1Nov 2019 Customer Satisfaction Survey.
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Interesting article. Type TWO DIABETICS and the INSULIN pump are compatible.
I am type 2 and I have been regularly using an insulin pump for 6 months now. Recently, I started cancer treatments, and the medication had been playing havoc with my a1c and occasional sticks were telling me that I wasn’t controlling my sugar as well as I had previously.
I asked my doctor to go on an insulin pump. I am using a Medtronic system with BG sensors, and feel I have complete control over my diabetes. That being said, I am currently losing weight; and at times due to lack of hunger (now) and carbohydrate regulation am not able to eat very large amounts of carbs. For me, mostly good, and sometimes, I just wish I could.
Nevertheless, with my diabetes being between 8 & 9; I went on the pump. After 1 month on the pump; my a1c was 7.8, and my most recent 2 months ago my a1c was 7.0. So, I feel pretty good, and sleep much better than I used to…most of the time.
Prviously I was using Jardiance in combination with Insulin without a pump. I tended to use more Lantus to regulate my blood sugar but I wasn’t using it properly. Along with occasional bolus with meals, I was taking 100u daily injecting in 3 sites 33,33,34 discovered after I started using the pump; it wasn’t all being utilized, which explained some of my issues.
Now I use the pump.
Over the last 30 days, my basal runs at 1U an hour and a total daily Dose of 47.9U with both auto response to BG levels in addition to calculated bolus when I eat. (of which 42% is Basal(Auto)/58% Bolus(meal). I spend 96% of my time between BG 70 and BG 180 (21.29Hr/day), 4% above BG 180 (<1hr/day), only 0% or 2 minutes below BG 70. Which means I may 0 to 3X a day making an adjustment either a (suggested by pump) bolus to reduce insulin (I've moved beyond the pump's ability to make auto adjustments), or I've dropped below BG 70 and need to eat a few carbs (4g to 8g) because I'm low.
Keeping in mind I take treatments for cancer; I am very well regulated. For the most part, except the uncontrollable need to sleep due to the medications, I feel great, and have energy to do what I want or need.
I just wish I could eat a little more, now and then; but, it's not bad. Since using the pump; I've lost 30lbs in the first 6 months. I'm now stable at 20lbs above what I would consider the lowest I'd like to go. I'm successfully finding my carb levels to not lose, or lose slower. I was losing uncontrollably, it seemed, at first; but, I also wanted to lose that weight.
Considering my History; I once weighed 380lbs and was morbidly obese… On my own I managed to get down to 280lbs. But, I was never happy with my BG management before the pump.
My wife thinks the pump restricts me too much in what I can eat. That is true; but only because I choose to stay in control. If I didn't care; I could easily eat much more; and spend more time adjusting myself between 180 and 250 BG. Again, I choose not to. My wife says I am tired a lot; but, I know it's the medication for the cancer; and bless her heart, she's more in denial than I am; but, I think this too will pass as I adapt, and I am. And the prognosis looks good for me.
I've also seen something I never noticed before. When I do eat carbs in excess… I can, and have to take care not to, bolus too much insulin; but, my body's own carb response doesn't seem to kick in until I hit around a BG of 220 to 250… before I get that high, because of the pump. In ohter words, if I eat over 60g of carbs, my body kicks in and tries to help.. it's just lousy at it. lol
So, yes to using a pump with Type II absolutely. One thing I've noticed was that before the pump, with Jardiance, I always drank plenty of water. Now, I am back to an old habit my body had before I got diagnosed with Type II 20 years ago, and even after that… Before the pump, I drank a lot of water. With Jardiance, I drank a lot of water; but, my sugar was lower but never below a BG of 220. So, the pump has really helped me bring down my a1c, and keep in in range.
I would tell anyone who can, check with their doctor about starting a pump; if they are Type II, and having problems keeping control. When I started, the first two things I noticed were: 1. I wasn't hungry anymore. 2. I slept better than I had in years, and I mean years and years.
Jardiance did help me a lot; but, I was getting to the point I couldn't drink enough water, and with the cancer meds, started running UI's. The pump has allowed me to get that under control. My doctor was concerned as the UI's were starting to become resistant; even I noticed that before they confirmed it. I haven't been tested recently; but, plan to soon. I think the lowered sugar passing has helped a lot, thanks to the pump.
I am wondering, if I need to eat a few more carbs if I could do so with the aid of Jardiance (smallest dose) and the pump. I am currently researching that, and *may* discuss it with my endocrinologist, once Covid is over; otherwise, I'll just keep on the pump.
For anyone interested, because of my issues (previous Heart Attack prior to pump) High BP (ongoing) and cancer, my comorbidities allowed me to get the C-19 vaccine early (Phizer). I have had both shots and tolerated them well. I have only a couple of minor allergies that were of concern; but tolerate Flu shots in the past.
I hope this helps some people. I don't know about Medicare coverage; but, my insurance after copay has covered the costs of the pump and continued equipment costs associated with the pump.
I am eligible for Medicare; but, am on my wife's health insurance at this time.
My personal opinion is that it doesn't matter which pump; as long as it can easily supply the insulin you will need; I'm using a Medtronic 610 with BG sensors which is working great. My nickname for the pump is "Mr. Needy". It does like me to stick a lot more than I did before. some days up to 10x a day when starting new sensor, or it's near end of 7 day life.) Most other days, 4X a day, unless I go high or low.
I think that about covers it. I have never felt so in control of my Type II diabetes. It is an individual choice. It does affect what and how much I eat which has been a boon for me because I feel so much better… before the pump, I was just sick and tired of being sick and tired, and that's what made my decision. That has definitely changed now. My apologies if this is TL;DR!
Thank you for sharing your story and experiences, Chip. Stay well. 🙂
Does Medicare/Tricare cover the cost?
Hi Richard,
Here is the information regarding Medicare coverage: https://www.myomnipod.com/become-a-podder/insurance-coverage/medicare
Take good care!
Love seeing other T2 patients using a pump! I use Medtronics with Dexcom CGM.
Yes, CGMs are such great tools!
I have been using an Insulin Pump for years. Since I retired, and am not yet eligible for Medicare, the supplies and even test strips are becoming a strain. I am contemplating a more affordable change. Any suggestions on lower supply costs.
When I was without benefits, I was able to get test strips from my Diabetes Education Centre and Endocrinologist office, they get tons of samples. Also, I know Medtronic has a discount for people with low-income who buy pumps out-of-pocket, like me, so maybe ask your pump company if there are any discounts/reduced prices for supplies (if you haven’t already tried this)?
Hi Sheryl,
You might want to explore some of the assistance programs listed here:
Thank you for providing the great article about The Benefits of Insulin Pump Therapy for Type 2 Diabetes!