Diabetes psychologist Faith Cook offers encouragement, support and practical tips for dealing with the psychological effects of COVID-19 and social distancing.
read more →Diabetes psychologist Faith Cook offers encouragement, support and practical tips for dealing with the psychological effects of COVID-19 and social distancing.
read more →We’re all trying to find our way in this unusual and stressful situation, and it affects us all differently. Diabetes psychologist Dr. Faith Cook offers insights, advice and encouragement on understanding and managing the psychological effects of COVID-19.
read more →Learning how to be mindful can take some practice, and it can be especially difficult to pay attention to experiences in the present moment when you are busy doing everything necessary to manage your diabetes. Even though it may not be easy, mindfulness can be a valuable tool you can use to help you manage difficult diabetes-related emotions.
read more →If you have diabetes, it’s especially important that you pay attention to your heart. Dr. Edelman explains who could benefit from a stress test and what the process involves.
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