The Goofus and Gallant of Diabetes

Who do you relate to more when it comes to diabetes management? An angel who follows the recommended guidelines (Jeremy/Gallant), or a stubborn hellion easily influenced by temptation (Steve/Goofus)? Check out some of these scenarios from Dr. E. and see if you are who you think you are.

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Why I Set My CGM to Alarm Me at 100mg/dL

After studying the human body in medical school and gaining a better understanding of my disease, my CGM now warns me if my blood sugar drops below 100. And my diabetes control has never been better. What? Below 100? 100 is considered low?

Allow me to explain. There have been a number of factors that have lead me to make this change.

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Everybody Hates Pricks!

It’s the end of an era! The Dexcom G6 has made fingersticks a thing of the past for people with type 1 diabetes. Dr. Edelman and Dr. Pettus give their review of the newest version of Dexcom’s CGM with its new sensor, inserter, transmitter and customizable alarms.

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