Jeremy’s been on Tandem’s Control-IQ for about two months, and he loves it! Here’s his review of its new features, and how it compares to Loop and Medtronic’s 670G. Plus, special guest appearance from Wilbur the diabetes support bunny.
read more →Jeremy’s been on Tandem’s Control-IQ for about two months, and he loves it! Here’s his review of its new features, and how it compares to Loop and Medtronic’s 670G. Plus, special guest appearance from Wilbur the diabetes support bunny.
read more →Dr. P and Dr. E share tips 6-10 of their top 10 tips on how to stay sane living with diabetes. This condensed version came from Dr. Pettus’ lecture at our 2019 ONE Conference & Retreat.
read more →In this condensed (and PG!) version of Dr. Pettus’ lecture from the 2019 ONE Conference & Retreat, Dr. Pettus and Dr. Edelman share easy, funny and stress-reducing tips on how to take the edge off day-to-day diabetes management.
read more →A new drug recently got a breakthrough indication from the FDA to treat people at risk for getting T1D. What does that mean for the whole type 1 community?
read more →There are a lot of misconceptions around DKA, or diabetic ketoacidosis. It’s a common but very serious acute complication that develops when someone who is insulin dependent loses access to insulin (your pump line falls out, etc). Drs. Edelman and Pettus explain the causes, symptoms, and treatment.
read more →We all have them…mistakes we’ve made that we don’t even want to share with our own mother. Dr. Jeremy Pettus puts it all out there and gets real about what recently happened when he took the right dose of the wrong insulin.
read more →Did you know CGMs come out of the box with their repeat low alerts set to “off”?
CGM’s are life-changing and life-saving. Learn how to make the most of yours, and use those bells and whistles to your advantage!