Many people with type 2 diabetes often have a typical body build that includes intra-abdominal fat. Can medications like Ozempic and Mounjaro help with weight loss in this area?
read more →GLP-1 RAs like Ozempic, Rybelsus, Bydureon and Trulicity are primarily used to control blood sugar in people with type 2 diabetes, but these medications have some important additional benefits, including new designations at higher doses for weight loss.
read more →Trulicity offers a simple, once-weekly way to control type 2 diabetes and prevent cardiovascular disease (CVD) or help with existing CVD. This GLP-1 RA acts in many ways to help achieve glucose control and a healthier self. Trulicity is simply administered, you don’t ever see a needle and it doesn’t cause weight gain.
read more →With recent news about SGLT2s and GLP-1 RAs helping to protect against heart disease in addition to their primary purpose of lowering blood sugars, Dr. Edelman addresses the question of whether it’s safe to take them together, and if they can also cause hypoglycemia.
read more →With newer medication options available now for treating type 2 diabetes, Dr. Edelman answers a common question about how they can be included in a diabetes management regimen with regard to metformin.
read more →Did you know that certain aspects of type 2 diabetes can change over time? Even if you’ve had years of great blood sugar control, you still may need to make some medication adjustments down the road, and that’s totally normal.
read more →Heart disease is a common and serious condition for people with diabetes, but with the information, tools and medications we have available today, heart disease is not only treatable but preventable.
read more →The newest classes of diabetes meds to treat type 2 are pulling more than double duty, helping to better control blood sugars, protect the heart, lower body weight and prevent chronic kidney disease.
read more →Recently approved by the FDA, Ozempic sets itself apart from other once-weekly GLP-1 RAs for type 2 diabetes by demonstrating the quickest and greatest effect in reducing blood glucose and body weight in studies. Is it right for you?
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