The FDA recently approved a new rapid-acting mealtime insulin called Lyumjev, which is absorbed into the body more quickly than Humalog and is designed to target post-meal spikes and reduce A1c.
read more →Fiasp, a rapid-acting insulin for people with type 2 or type 2 diabetes, was recently approved for use in insulin pumps and provides another option for people to help improve their post-meal blood sugars.
read more →With several new fast-acting insulins on the market, is it still necessary to pre-bolus before meals? How fast-acting are they really? Endocrinologist and type 1 Dr. Jeremy Pettus compares, contrasts, and gives his vote.
read more →We all have them…mistakes we’ve made that we don’t even want to share with our own mother. Dr. Jeremy Pettus puts it all out there and gets real about what recently happened when he took the right dose of the wrong insulin.
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