How to Deal: Diabetes Complications


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    I had to go on 3 months of vancomycin due to a knee infection I got from being at the beach a week after surgery. It damaged my kidneys and every one blames my diabetes.It does get me so upset. I know diabetes causes kidney damage but I am so tired of people-doctors- blaming the diabetes. I feel like when you have it that is all they look and nothing else. It is so depressing. I do fuss at them but I am getting tired of it. We

    • Hi Cheryl,
      We understand your feelings and obviously diabetes can effect the kidneys. To be sure, you really should see a kidney specialist who knows alot about diabetic kidney disease and take any preventative measures they suggest to prevent future damage.

  2. so im doing a school project and i would like to know what the difference between diabetes one and two and how they affect you body.

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    Husband is a functioning alcoholic. Diagnosed pre-diabetic, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, cholesterol problems. What is next since he choses not to help himself?

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    I am a diabetic since i was 5 in 1975 to today date and i have been suffer from lose stools is their a remedy for this could it be from the insulin brand i use ive been suffering since i was a child at the age of 5 yrs young im 50 now and still suffering

    • Typically, loose stools are not associated with diabetes. In fact, constipation is extremely common in people with diabetes. If insulin caused diarrhea, there’d be a real shortage in TP! If the loose stools are not due to another medication, you probably should see a primary care doctor or gastroenterologist.

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    Have severe neuropathy and autonomic neuropathy..pins and needles stabbing pain nerve pain electric pain aching in legs issues with balance legs feel like logs swollen calves and feet poor posture when hiding head up feel like I will pass out not dizzy that feeling,presyncope,happens frequently I sleep in 20 to 40 minute increments Dr says all due to diabetes for 41 years have tried all treatments gabapentin Lyrica Cymbalta nortriptyline amitriptyline all with side effects or do nothing at all oxycodone helps 35%. Dr says nothing else to do and it will continue getting eorse…is this true

    • Your case sounds very complicated and I feel badly that you’re going through this situation. Neuropathy is one of the toughest conditions, and there are many causes of it which makes finding a remedy hard. I would suggest doing everything else to keep yourself healthy, such as, get plenty of exercise, eat the right foods, make sure your blood glucose levels are the best they can be, as well as your blood pressure and cholesterol. It’s definitely possible that your symptoms could get better. Sometimes it helps to see a different healthcare professional with a specialty in neuropathy for some other ideas. Try to keep a hopeful attitude.

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    My husband was just diagnosed with type 2 Diabetes, He has been out of the hospital and half heartedly, watching his sugar, but now for the first time he has very swollen feet. What is the reason for this, What is he not doing?

    • There are a bunch of potential reasons why he may have swollen feet. This is really an important question for his primary care doctor or his new endocrinologist.

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