Trulicity offers a simple, once-weekly way to control type 2 diabetes and prevent cardiovascular disease (CVD) or help with existing CVD. This GLP-1 RA acts in many ways to help achieve glucose control and a healthier self. Trulicity is simply administered, you don’t ever see a needle and it doesn’t cause weight gain.
read more →If you’ve ever “accidentally” elbowed your partner in the ribs because he or she snores like a bulldozer, sleep apnea may actually be the culprit. Diabetes PA Chris Sadler shares his own experience with sleep apnea, and he explains the symptoms, diagnosis and treatment options available.
read more →If you have diabetes, should you automatically be on a statin, even if your LDL is in range? Dr. Edelman tackles this often controversial question.
read more →Know Diabetes by Heart and TCOYD held a very important and informative Facebook Live with Know Diabetes By Heart ambassadors Jacqueline Alikhaani and Hyvelle Ferguson, who shared their personal stories dealing with diabetes and cardiovascular disease.
read more →What causes heart disease, why do so many of us have it, how is it different for people with diabetes, and what can we do about it?
read more →In this Dose of Dr. E, Dr. Edelman explains the difference between macro and microvascular complications, why it’s important to know the difference, and what you can do to protect yourself.
read more →The blood vessels in your body are like the pipes running through your home. The whole vascular system is the pipeline through which blood travels, carrying oxygen and nutrients to tissues. Chronically high blood sugar, high cholesterol and high blood pressure can cause damage to the walls of these ‘pipes’ leading to vascular complications, but these types of complications can be prevented.
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