A former diabetes educator shares his experience trying fast-acting insulin Lyumjev in his pump, while monitoring mealtime spikes and overall time in range with his Dexcom CGM.
read more →A former diabetes educator shares his experience trying fast-acting insulin Lyumjev in his pump, while monitoring mealtime spikes and overall time in range with his Dexcom CGM.
read more →Rapid-acting insulins can be a great addition to your diabetes regimen to increase your time in range, but how do you incorporate them? Dr. E and Dr. P tackled everything you need to know.
read more →Who do you relate to more when it comes to diabetes management? An angel who follows the recommended guidelines (Jeremy/Gallant), or a stubborn hellion easily influenced by temptation (Steve/Goofus)? Check out some of these scenarios from Dr. E. and see if you are who you think you are.
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