1. No, It Probably Isn’t a Mistake
When first diagnosed, many people find it difficult to believe. They think it must be a terrible mistake, believing that perhaps another test is needed or thinking maybe it will just go away. This is a very natural response to the shock of receiving the diagnosis. Unfortunately, it is very likely that your diagnosis is real and diabetes is here to stay. You’re now part of the very large and growing club of people with diabetes – a club, we understand, that you would prefer not to join!
2. The Good News Is, This Isn’t Your Grandmother’s Diabetes
With 21st century technology and care, we now know you can live a long and healthy life with diabetes. The diagnosis of diabetes is NOT a death sentence. Terrible outcomes, like blindness, amputations and kidney problems, are largely preventable. Thanks to modern medicine, people developing diabetes today have an excellent chance of living long, healthy lives, free from serious complications. With good care and attention, you can be one of those people.
Here are a few things you can do right now to set yourself up for success:
Get on a Diabetes Warranty Program
Just like you take your car in for regular tune-ups, we recommend you include the following as part of your “regular health maintenance” program:
- Have an A1C test (at least twice a year) to measure your average blood sugar levels over the previous 2-3 months
- Get a yearly dilated eye exam from an eye specialist who is knowledgeable about diabetic eye disease
- Get a yearly kidney function test
- Keep a close eye on your feet, especially if you have neuropathy or a lack of sensation, and have your provider inspect them at least once a year (more if you have neuropathy).
- Have your blood pressure checked every time you see your provider, and your cholesterol checked annually (more frequently if your levels are high).
- See your dentist twice per year for regular cleanings and prevent tooth and gum disease by brushing and flossing every day, not just one week before you go to the dentist!
Learn all you can about diabetes…knowledge is power!
Attend one of our in-person conferences (click here for the 2018 schedule!), explore our online video library here, check out our extensive blog archives here or grab a copy of Dr. Edelman’s 5th edition of Taking Control of Your Diabetes by calling our office at 800-998-2693.
3. Diabetes Is Not Your Fault
Don’t blame yourself for developing type 2 diabetes, and don’t let anyone else blame you either. It is not caused by laziness or a lack of will power. Eating sweets didn’t do it. Type 2 diabetes is a genetic disease. And when you have these genes, certain factors – like being overweight – can trigger it. More and more people are becoming heavier and developing type 2 diabetes because most jobs now require little physical activity, life is more stressful, and too many foods tempt us that are high in calories, large in size and much too convenient. Your genes and the environment are the major culprits, but that doesn’t mean you are now helpless to protect your health. So read on!
4. Ignoring It Won’t Make It Disappear
You can’t feel diabetes when it is out of control, so you may think you don’t need to worry about it. But diabetes ignored and left unmanaged can cause damage to your body. Yes, odds are good that you can live a long, healthy life with diabetes, but only if you are working to control it now, not sometime later. So see your doctor regularly, take all of your medications, stay active, and learn more about the foods you eat. For your health, get involved in your own diabetes care.
5. Knowing Your Numbers Should be Your First Step
To manage diabetes, there are so many things you will be advised to do and change. No wonder it can feel so overwhelming. You can’t do everything at once, so where should you start? Begin by making sure the critical diabetes tests are being done and that you, not just your doctor, know the results.
After all, you can’t know what to do differently if you don’t first know how you’re doing. At the very least, find out about your blood pressure, cholesterol and A1c numbers. You need to know what your numbers mean and what you and your doctor can do to get, or keep, those numbers in a safe range.
Check out the videos below for more info:
What Should My Target Blood Pressure Be?
What’s an A1c and Why Is It Important?
What the Heck is a Lipid Panel?
Goals for each test will vary for everyone individually, and will depend on your current health and your health history, so be sure to discuss your results and your personal goals with your healthcare provider.
6. No, You Won’t Be Limited to Eating Nuts, Twigs and Birdseed!
You can still eat your favorite foods, just not all at once. Boring diets are no longer necessary and there is no need to deprive yourself. However, attention to the size of your meals is critical. You will also need to learn more about the contents of the food you typically eat (carbs, fat and calories), which foods you should eat more or less of, and how those foods affect your blood glucose and overall health.
Here are a few nutrition resources to explore:
Chef Robert Lewis, the Happy Diabetic Chef
7. Not Taking Your Prescribed Medications Is a Dangerous Thing to Do
From the first day of a diagnosis, most people require medications to keep diabetes in check and maintain good health. Many people worry that taking medications might be bad for their health as well as too costly. Yes, there are diabetes medications that have negative side effects, but these are typically outweighed by the positive benefits to your long-term health. To stay healthy, your goal shouldn’t be to take fewer medications, but to make sure your numbers (A1c, blood pressure, and cholesterol) are in a safe range. Talk about the pros and cons of medications with your doctor, and ask about other options, especially if they are too bothersome or expensive. Then you can make an informed decision.
8. Protecting Your Heart Should Be Your First Concern
Heart disease is the major health concern for people with type 2 diabetes. Attention to lowering the risk for heart problems is the main reason why people with diabetes are living longer than ever. According to scientific studies, the most important areas to address, in order of importance, are smoking, blood pressure, cholesterol, A1c, and fitness. Talk to your doctor about your risk and what you can do.
9. Focus on Developing a Healthier Lifestyle, Not Weight Loss
Increasing your fitness and choosing healthier foods (for example, more fruits and vegetables, smaller portions, and less saturated fats) will have a bigger impact on your diabetes and heart health than losing weight. This is good news, since weight loss can be frustrating and difficult. Of course, exercising more and making smarter food choices may lead to a lower weight over time. But keep the focus on improving your health, not just improving your weight.
10. Don’t Do Diabetes Alone
Life with diabetes is just easier when you have people in your life cheering you on. Good diabetes care takes attention and effort, and you may at times feel overwhelmed, discouraged, isolated or even burned out. Your motivation can be sapped by the stresses of daily life or even problems with depression, which are common in people with diabetes. To protect yourself, make sure you identify at least one person in your life who will support you and your efforts to manage diabetes. It could be anyone: a family member, good friend, trusted healthcare professional, or support group. Also, find a doctor you really trust, can be honest with, and feel is on your side. Living well with diabetes is always easier when someone you like and respect is cheering for you.
Here are a few ways you can involve people you love, or find new friends in the DOC (diabetes online community) who totally get you:
Finding Support When You Have Diabetes Burnout
With all of the information, medications and resources we have today, people with diabetes have an excellent chance of avoiding serious complications and can live a long, healthy, and happy life!
From the Behavioral Diabetes Institute and TCOYD
Additional Resources:
The Science of Type 2 Diabetes
TCOYD Podcast #8 – Top Tips from Endos for People with Type 2
Medications and Other Treatment Options to Reduce Complications from Type 2 Diabetes
Continuous Glucose Monitoring for Type 2s: An Incredible Tool to Take Control of Your Diabetes
Can Type 2 Diabetes Be Reversed?
The Top Five Emotional Obstacles in Controlling Diabetes
TCOYD Podcast #11: The Diabetes Warranty Program
Show Some Love to Your Heart: Tips on Preventing Heart Disease
Very educational. Love all the helpful information. Keep up the good work. Thank you for all of your help and support.
Looks like a good forum/ site. I need more info on early dawn syndrome.Day numbers are easily manageable, only problem is a.m. numbers.Some Drs. don’t worry about 7.5 for an hr. And a half, others panic. Who can give me some advice.
I have the same issue….. I was just diagnosed and not on any medication. I’m limiting carbs and amount of meals. Two hours after dinner my reading was 150, yet after not having eaten anything between 6:30 PM and 7:00 AM, my blood sugar this morning was 135.
Does anyone have any suggestions for this? Does this mean I will need to go on medication?
I am working on losing 25 lbs and monitoring my sugar. But because I was just diagnosed with a1c of 6.5 and 6.7 , I’m not clear what’s “normal” at this point?
Thank you.
Hello…you are doing great! 135 is awesome…not sure why you are worried. Your need of medications will depend on your A1c…if it crosses above 7 and trending up. Losing 25 pounds will really really really help. Take your time with habits you can continue. Getting type 2 has been a blessing for you.
I’m 5’2.7 and I’ve been having some symptoms of diabetes. I Have been taking the A1C test once a year and have fatty liver. The most I’ve ever weighed is 185-6. I also have fatty liver and suffer from acid reflux (I don’t drink or smoke ever since I’ve been able to) and recently I had alot of symptoms come all at once and it was weird and I felt terrible. I had heart palpitations with Acid on my throat and frequent urination. I had several tests done like blood count, chemistry panel, lipid panel and Uranalysis & Urine culture. All turned out Normal according to my doctor. According to my Chemistry Panel for my potassium levels I had a mild hemolysis. However my doctor said I don’t need a redraw. I did infact have bad GERD (which I now feel better thanks to protonix prescription) I then considered to take an A1C test just in case. My recent level in October 2020 was 5.3 (this was when I was around 167-170). It’s been about 1 and half weeks since I felt those symptoms. 2 days ago I felt very cold and had headaches and fever. Which then passed. I honestly don’t what is going on. So I hope my A1C test goes well and I don’t get diagnosed but idk. I honestly hope and pray it is just GERD and that I will recover. I have been feeling ok for the most part but not 100% as I used to. I’ve been feeling miserable about all this and just really pray it’s nothing so extremely serious. I just want it to stop and go back to normal.
(Sorry for the long comment I had to vent).
Your case sounds super complicated, hang in there and find a good doctor!
Watch Dr.Ken Berry on YouTube for proper human diet. Also, Jason Fung, Beat diabetes, Dr. Cywes, and Dr. Berg are great sources of advice for living healthy with diabetes. All are on YouTube.
Both my maternal grandparents where diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes and were on Insulin jabs.
They didn’t have the best of diets which I assumed was the cause of it as they got older. It was a wake up call which made both of them clean up their diets. They are both no longer around but they lived to a ripe old age so it’s definitely a medical condition that can be managed.
Both sides of my family (grandmothers) had diabetes Type 2. My dads brothers and sisters, some are also Type 2.Both of my parents were killed by a drunk driver when I was 3 months old, so I don’t know if they would have developed it. I’m Native American, which I guess has a greater chance. I have one Type 1 on my dads side, a cousin. I was just diagnosed with Type 2 and it came on suddenly, over the last two years. I’m told I’m insulin dependent now and was just put on an insulin pump 2 weeks ago. I am also wearing a Dexcom. I’m 44 and feel like a failure. I feel like it’s all my fault. I’m exactly 50 pounds overweight. Even if I lose it, my understanding is, I’ll always need insulin. People think so badly of Type 2. Sometimes I want to hide it. Other times I want to say it isn’t all my fault.
Please let us know the next time you’re in the neighborhood, I bet everyone here at TCOYD would just like to give you a big ole hug. Most importantly, I want you to know that so many people with T2D feel just the same way you do, and that’s just terrible. Because we know that diabetes is not not not your fault, and struggling with weight is a problem for the majority of people in the United States! There is no way you should ever be blamed for diabetes, or blame yourself. We also know that many Native American tribes have some of the highest rates of T2D in the world, and that is certainly not because they are bad or stupid. To a large degree it is all about genes, the cards we’ve all been dealt at birth. It sounds like you’ve been working hard to get the very best tools available to manage diabetes (like that Dexcom CGM and the insulin pump), so you should be congratulated on your efforts. So keep up the good work, and hang in there! We are all rooting for you.
I am in type 2 diabetes in remission. My A1C is 5.2 I was diagnosed in February of 2021. Lost 50 pounds and I am 71. Prognosis for my life span? I still seem to have some residual effects for my journey. Some days I be am not my self. Sleep is still somewhat elusive. Side effects of Jardiance. Your thoughts love this site.
How did you get the life expectancy
Are you still on medication?
My husband was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes a few years ago. Some might say that it’s a death sentence but he did a total overhaul of his unhealthy lifestyle after this. Otherwise his heavy drinking and smoking habits would have a much more adverse effect on his health than diabetes.
All good things to live by.
I had an accident last year that was kind of a blessing in disguise. I shattered my ankle during hurricane Irma and was incapacitated for nearly 6 months. I’ve only now begun to exercise again on the elliptical in the mornings.
In any case, before he accident, my A1C was 10.5, and my last trip to the doctor showed it to be 5.6. (Type 2 but take insulin to control)
I’ve largely been able to control the blood sugar by changing my diet, from a rather carb rich (Spaghetti Monday’s etc) to making homemade soups high in fiber and vegetables with only a small amount of pasta’s or rice as a complement rather than a staple. I’ve also lost 30lbs eating this way.
I won’t say it’s not without challenges, especially after getting back to work and having bagels brought in once a week, but by bringing in food and avoiding offerings, I’ve been able to keep the blood sugar in check. So, while I didn’t really believe it before, I now know you can control this disease, and live a healthier life.
Way to go, John! Thank you for your comment and congratulations on the A1c and all the positive changes you are making!
I’m scared. I’m alone. You’re giving me hope. Thank you.
With everything else I have “wrong” with me, how can I handle this one too? I’m scared.
Hi Mobella,
There are so many people who feel the way you do. Developing type 2 diabetes is just “one more damned thing” that now has to be dealt with—another chronic condition, or life stress or something. Ugh. It can feel like too much. And it can be pretty scary. The one good thing about diabetes, unlike so many other chronic illnesses, is that you actually can do something about it (thus, the name of this organization!). With good care and effort, odds are pretty good you can do well and live a long and healthy life. Diabetes doesn’t have to stop you! First step: make sure you find a good doctor or healthcare professional who can help you to put together a doable plan of action. We’re rooting for you!
Hi Mobella,
Here is another resource for you that will hopefully ease some of your fears: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x24AbWnjVa8&list=PLC0D808A1CAEFBE8B&index=64&t=10s
do you have to eat alot less in amounts of foods,,,my daughter was diagnosed with type 2 and she says she is always hungary,, i am trying to find out info about what you can eat, how much and also get some recipes
Hi Christine,
We have a lot of great recipes on our blog and there are lots of wonderful food bloggers out there, but you and your daughter may want to visit with a dietitian for recommendations and advice specifically suited to her needs.
I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes 3 years back. The main concern found was unhealthy lifestyle. I took great care after as I left drinking and smoking habits.
Thanks for sharing such an inspirational post.
This was very helpful. I just got diagnosed last week and I was devastated at first. However I’m so glad I was able to find out why I had not been feeling well in the last few months. I am starting to realize that this is a lifetime journey towards being healthy. I know that not all days will be good days, but I think I’m the long run I will be more healthier. My husband already had diabetes so that helped me deal with the diagnosis. I believe when we work together we both can defeat this disease, instead of letting it defeat us.
Very well said! 🙂
I was diagnosed with type 2 a month ago. The doctor told me she was shocked, and I was also. Told my family we were going to be making a lot of changes, and with their support we have all been eating healthy, working out and losing some weight. I have a husband with type 1 and have always been aware of counting his carbs and not having sugar around, but kids and I would have ice cream when he wasn’t home, or eat fast food that no one should eat. Now I worry for our kids, having 2 parents with diabetes. I did feel like this diagnoses was my fault. No history of diabetes in my family. At age 46 I have some belly fat, but didn’t worry I was at risk for diabetes ever. Now my motto is nothing tastes better than healthy feels! I have more energy, as we all do. Support is very important. Friends have let me down and even family saying it’s probably a mistake or they can’t eat with me anymore. Yes, I have drastically changed my ways. I want to be around for my kids for a long time. Make your home a safe place, food wise. Cleaning out pantry and fridge, only bring in healthy options. Great low carb, sugar free items- but read labels. Veggies and lean meats. I am never hungry. Cutting out bad food initially wasn’t too hard- fear motivates you rapidly. But now not even craving bad stuff happily. Taking meds, testing blood, drinking water, and sleeping enough. It isn’t anything too difficult we just have to do it. The numbers on the glucose monitor and scale are motivational. So many great recipes online. My son who is 17 said he loves trying all the new foods! I see this lifestyle change as positive for my family. For anyone newly diagnosed you are not alone, and you can make good choices and take control of your health! My daughter and husband have people at work offering them sweets regularly. I say tell them keep it away from me!! We live in a society with garbage food everywhere. So many type 2 diabetics. We have power to change things, by not spending our money on junk/fast food. Rice, potatoes, pasta and bread aren’t your friends either. I did find whole wheat flax seed tortillas at Sam’s Club that have only 4 net carbs! I am cooking all our meals, packing lunches. Amazing what a month can do. Wish I’d gone for a checkup before being diagnosed, caught it at prediabetic. Can’t change that now. Keep at it, everyone. Take care of you and your families.
Very well said, Sharon! Thank you so much for sharing your story and for all of your great suggestions on what has worked well for you and your family!
I have no medical insurance now. Back in February of this year my old Dr told me I was prediabetic. I’m afraid to say I’m sure I have it now. My feet hurt and just not feeling well. So when is it too late to go to the Dr? I’m worried. I probably need medicine right away. I’ve already started to eat healthier and now doing portion control
I also can’t afford blood test and care for it. Any suggestions?
Hi Kim,
First of all, good for you for taking some positive steps for your health! If you would like to check to see how your blood sugar is doing, you can purchase an inexpensive glucose meter from Walmart and test your blood sugar before and after eating. As far as medical treatment, you may want to check with your local government agency to inquire about free clinics in your area. You can also check with the ADA (diabetes.org) to see if they have a local chapter near you and can offer additional resources.
I wake up with numb feet quite often. Is this a sign of type 2 diabetes?
Numbness all the time in both feet may be a sign of neuropathy which may be associated with diabetes, but if it occurs when you wake up and goes away, the answer is no.
Good day.
I’m having Erection Dis functional and my eyes do not see properly lately. I also sweat when I’m sleeping especially in summer. Does that mean I might be diabetic?
Our recommendation is that you see a good internist – it’s a very complicated group of symptoms.
Just got a high glucose reading, going to the doc tomorrow but i’ve been freaking out thinking really bad stuff, sticking myself with needles, having leg amputated. But reading your piece has really calmed me down. Thank you so much, my friend….and, honestly, i do look forward to a new diet and more exercise even tho i’m 70
Hi Ron,
Getting a chronic condition like type 2 diabetes and taking care of it will lead to a longer and healthier life than if you were not diagnosed. Diabetes may save your life!
Thanks so much. Just diagnosed today. Some hope.
Hi Renee, Our next free virtual conference is going to be on May 1st, and if you can’t make it that day, the lectures and videos will all be free to watch for 30 days after the conference. There will be tons of great information, opportunities to ask doctors questions, and a chance to “meet” other people who live with type 2 as well. Hope you can catch some or all of it!
It’s good to know we should probably check my wife’s feet at least once per year so we can avoid neuropathy and other complications. My wife was recently diagnosed and is concerned about all the ways that it could affect her life especially since her feet already have problems. We’ll have to talk with our doctor about how to keep her body in good condition and whether he’d recommend any podiatrist that can help monitor there in particular.
Don’t worry its not too bad here just follow this list if million things you have to do. I am told I am pre-diabetes. I’d honestly just rather admit its my time to go then to live in with a daily grind needle pricks, doctors appointments, and dried out grilled chicken. Sorry if this is a negative response in a place of positivity but its my honest feelings.
Oh my gosh, you are way off base! Pre-diabetes is really just a very good wake up call to improve your lifestyle, which includes regular exercise and eating a healthy diet where you can stick to your own personal and ethnic preferences. Being diagnosed with pre-diabetes may help you live a longer and healthier life. Time to party!
I feel th3 same!
I like this response. It’s realistic and how you feel. Thank you for sharing. Not everyone is a Pollyanna about this stuff.
You are the same as me
67 and recently diagnosed (January 16, 2020) with Type 2 Diabetes (368 count). No symptoms. New to the area and went to the doc to establish a PCP. Emptied pantry and now eating all good low carb foods; however, my numbers are all over the place. This morning was 191 – have been as low as 109. Several times out of curiosity I’ve done 3-4 readings in a row and they’re all different. Now I don’t trust the results. I even tested the new vial of test strips with control solution and they fell within range, so am very confused and discouraged. Any suggestions?
correction – original reading 336, not 368. From 17 tests, my average to date is 179. HELP!!
Your blood sugar level bouncing around is totally normal. 109-191 is a pretty good range, however, an average of 179 is a little too high. Typically we try to have the average blood sugar down to 155, which equates to an A1c of about 7%. Glucose meters are known to be slightly inaccurate so it’s always important to wash and dry your hands before testing. You would love the Freestyle Libre Flash CGM, which is fairly affordable. It may be time to start a diabetes medication at a low dose in addition to your lifestyle efforts.
Last week and my blood sugar was 132. It was not a total fast though. I am so horrified that I might be type 2. I will be going in very soon for a fasting blood sugar test and I am scared to death. Waiting for results always unhinges me.
If I were you, I would go buy a glucose meter (or borrow one) and check your blood sugars two hours after a large meal, and test first thing in the morning a few times. Normal is less than 100 in the morning, and less than 140 two hours after eating any meal. Please do not freak out if it’s a little bit above as these meters aren’t that accurate. You will know if you have early diabetes or not. If you are diagnosed with type 2, it may be the best thing that’s happened to you for your health, as you will start paying more attention to your blood pressure, cholesterol levels, weight, exercise and diet, all things that you will help you live a longer and healthier life.
I have been on insulin for a little less than1 year. My A1c started at 14. I exercise on a regular basis by walking 2-3 time per day andI changed my diet.I visited my Dr to learn I lost 22 lbs and A1c is 8. However after all being said. I haven’t felt good lately. Had a couple of bloating issues and legs pains which scares me a great deal. Please any one felt leg pain like ThisI so what did you do.
I was just recently diagnosed with diabetes. I am also having terrible bloating and abdominal discomfort. Is it related? Also have leg pain and swelling. No sure if it is all connected.
Hi Gail,
If you’re just diagnosed, your stomach issues are probably related to reflux, and not to diabetes. Your other issues may or may not be, you really need to speak to your doctor.
Article is really awesome!
Thank you for the great reading material! I’ve been diabetic type 2 for a few years. I do well. I worry. I get fed up. I get hungry for junk. Always learning and always trying. Walking my dogs 🐕 helps me keep positive! Good luck to everyone 💓 💜 🤎🖤🤍
Thanks for your comment Kandra!
I am 46 and got my normal blood done at my yearly check up. The blood work came back with a glucose level of 162 and an A1C number of 162. I looked online and thought it was just prediabetes because I’ve been pretty lazy since the virus caused me to work from home but when I saw my physician’s assistant she said I was diabetes and put me on medication. Are are my numbers that serious that I have full-blown diabetes or is it more like prediabetes. I’m devastated at the diagnosis and really worried. I want to be around for my two children and I know what I need to do and cut out. But are my numbers that bad?
Sorry A1C was 6.3
Do not worry. By definition you are on the cusp, but always a good time to jump on things with getting your weight, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels under control, and getting plenty of exercise. Use this “diagnosis of early type 2″ or pre-diabetes as an opportunity to live a longer and healthier life!
My 15 year old had been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes almost two years ago. She’s overweight (BMI of 28). She loves eating white jasmine rice, rice cakes, rice milk/mylk, white breads- especially bagels, mashed potatoes made with russet potatoes and rice milk (homemade), cornflakes, Instant oat porridges, pasta made from corn, fruit juices, etc. She’s been finding it impossible to avoid these foods and has been sticking to eating them. She’s allergic to dairy, eggs, meats, fish, shellfish, and peanuts. She won’t eat hardly any vegetables (other than russet potato baked or mashed or french fries)claiming all the others “never fill her up.” Ye she can have three bowls of the white jasmine rice, an hour later three baked russet potatoes, another hour or so it’s 2-4 bagels and so on. The two times I attempted not having these foods at home she went on a hunger strike at home and at friends/other family houses would eat them there, one friend would bring her a bag of bagels to school for her since her mother worked for a bread bakery and always had extra. I’m not able to get her a dietitian/nutritionist, and the medical team can’t help much if she’s resisting anything but these foods. She’s already had several ER visits and her vision is getting reduced and her nerves are showing signs of damage.
She cries constantly. She wants to live a long and healthy live but says “it’s too hard giving up all her favorite foods.” She also says it’s her fault and I am constantly reminding her it isn’t. I do know, that I am at fault as she’s always been overweight and has been eating these foods since she was 4. I don’t know what else to do.
Hello, and thank you for your detailed and honest note. As a registered dietitian/ diabetes care and education specialist and mother of 3 young adults, I empathize with your worries, fears and concerns about your daughter and her health.
Even without diabetes in the picture, the teen years are challenging and difficult. Body changes, hormonal fluctuations and social/cultural pressures to fit in can be overwhelming. We do know that using fear of health issues typically doesn’t motivate teens to change habits and restriction of any foods can lead to rebellion and often overeating/stress eating and even being very dissociated with hunger/fullness signals and in some cases eating disorders. It is normal for adolescent girls to be very concerned with body changes at this age; also BMI must be put into context appropriately (weight is a pull of gravity; we must consider body composition such as lean body mass, hydration as well as fat tissue which increased at this age in young women).
Also, us moms feel guilty about everything! Please don’t blame yourself either; this is not your fault. Body shape, size, environmental influences, genetics are also powerful influences. You are doing the very best you can.
The “black and white”, “all or nothing”, “good and bad” foods culture is actually quite harmful. Eating food should be a positive, relaxing and satisfying experience for anyone, diabetes or not. Preferred, enjoyable food can fit in to a healthful eating plan. This is where meeting with a registered dietitian/diabetes educator who also works with eating disorders/disordered eating can help a great deal and restore a positive relationship with food for sustainable health, not only in the numbers and medical status but so that through life your daughter can be resilient, strong and more easily adapt to the changes we all go through.
Reviewing her medications with her endocrinologist/primary care MD would also be important, as there may be some options that can also be supportive of both diabetes management and healthful weight. Discussing limits on screen time, sleep habits, stress management options and social media influences.
Seeking assistance from a mental health professional can be invaluable and I have seen this in my practice do wonders for my teen and other patients. Her sadness is very important and real, and you need support as well to help her through this.
Unfortunately weight shaming and stigma is a very strong part of our culture and health care. I see first hand the damage it does. We can meet health goals in a weight neutral way without causing more shame and guilt which is not medicine.
I am happy to assist with contacts in your area if you would like and recommended books that address this issue from highly respected colleagues. One in particular is The Intuitive Eating Workbook for Teens by Elyse Resch MS RDN. Excellent resource. I am happy to give you more resources if you would like to contact me directly at jbaker9@gmail.com
Thank you for your note.
Janice Baker, MBA, RD, CDE, CNSC, BC-ADM
Registered Dietitian/Nutritionist
Certified Diabetes Educator
Certified Nutrition Support Clinician
Board Certified -Advanced Diabetes Management
Office (858)675-3179
Hi Julia,
Janice Baker is a wonderful dietitian and diabetes care and support specialist who has been affiliated with TCOYD for many many years. She is currently working with clients virtually through her clinic, and will soon be offering online classes and support groups if you are interested. Take good care and we hope you and your daughter find good support and assistance for what you are going through.
I have four kids, two of which have type 2 diabetes. My oldest was diagnosed with type 2 at 8 years old and is now 19 with a BMI of 50 and her weight is centered mostly in the stomach. She just doesn’t want to stop having sodas, white potatoes, white breads sugary cereals, sugary treats mostly cookies, doughnuts, snack cakes, large cakes, cupcakes, ice cream and pies. She says because they are vegan she doesn’t need a limit. She is constantly trying to avoid taking medication and needs to be monitored to ensure she actually took them, and never exercises or gets up unless for bathroom or getting more food. My second oldest was diagnosed with type 2 at 10 years old, she is now 13 and is at a healthy weight range, on the higher end. My 13 year old drinks a whole lot of fruit juice (no added sugars), her doctors don’t seem concerned about it, as her blood sugar continues to soar rapidly. All she will consume is fruit juice and white rice, that’s it. After looking into it at least 600+ of her carbs are from fruit juice, and almost 600 in natural occurring sugars and over 2000 of her calories. She’s been to the hospital numerous times and is now on insulin along with medication. She will not drink plain water, and I have tried may alternatives to the juice and she says she doesn’t like any of them and five days ago flat out told me she won’t stop wanting them and that I had to respect that as she locks herself in her room and cries. I am not able to get a nutritional professional for them or a therapist. I’m really lost. I truly have failed my two daughters.
Thank you for your question. Your concerns are certainly very valid and important. As a registered dietitian/nutritionist and diabetes education specialist as well as a mother of 3, I empathize with your stress and worry about your children’s health and well-being. It’s so common to feel guilty and failure as a parent for many reasons. You deserve and need support. If there are obstacles to working directly with a dietitian with experience in diabetes and a therapist, I can recommend some resources for you that may help.
Many registered dietitians and diabetes educators, including myself, are now providing individual medical nutrition therapy and diet counseling online which may be an option. https://www.diabeteseducator.org/living-with-diabetes is also a resource link to find diabetes programs in your area.
As the parent and the responsible party in your family, it’s important to consider what is referred to as the “division of responsibility” when it comes to food and eating. If you are the one responsible for bringing food and beverages into your home, you are able to decide what those choices are. Many factors influence this, including budget, food access and security, cultural preferences, food storage and cooking/shopping time and skills. There is no one perfect way to eat, but a pattern of regular meals and snacks, as opposed to chaotic eating patterns, with a variety of healthful food choices, (which do not need to be complicated or costly!) which includes water or milk for most beverages will be supportive of health. “Fun food” or “play food” (as opposed to the negative term of “junk food”) can be incorporated as well in a healthful part of the diet. As we have learned over and over, restriction and food shaming often leads to overeating and a dysfunctional relationship with food.
Household rules, which are also important for everyone’s safety and well-being, include not just what food is available to choose (as you decide what you bring into your home), but also how food is eaten. I most often recommend food be consumed in 1 or 2 areas of the home, specifically designated for eating such as a dining room and/or kitchen table, and not in front of television, computers, or in bedrooms. Eating in a distracted way is like texting while driving, which can dysregulate normal signals of fullness and true hunger.
Two excellent resources that I highly recommend :
The Intuitive Eating Workbook for Teens by Elyse Resch RDN
All of the above is much easier said than done. There are often many more influences on food and eating choices than is obvious to most healthcare providers. Your concerns do deserve further medical, nutrition and psychological support especially in this incredibly overwhelming time of isolation and health concerns for all.
Your children are likely very interested in feeling well and being accepted, but trying to motivate by fear and shame does not work. Your adult daughter may be possibly most helped with a referral to a program or resources that work with eating disorders or disordered eating, as dieting and restricting can do further harm which can escalate problems. https://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/ is another resource that may be helpful.
Thank you for your question. I wish you and your family health, safety and healing.
We are truly sorry to hear about this, and understand how difficult this must be on the family. Ultimately medications will be needed to keep blood sugar levels in check, but it will take a combination of nutritional therapy and also potentially working with a behavioral psychologist to tease out issues around food, and how to help your kids choose healthy options. This wont be easy and will take work as there is no quick fix for this problem. It will also take a family approach to meals and selecting healthy options for the entire family. I would start with asking for a referral to a behavioral psychologist that can help in this area.
Great post! Thanks for sharing with us 🙂
I was diagnose with type 2 at 13 years old. Before the diagnosis I would have 6 cans of mountain dew and 4 cans of pepsi. For food it was a box of donuts 2x a week, cake cupcake cookies and brownies every day and the only times i really got fruit like apples and cherries were in pies same with pumpkin and sweet potato. i had a lot of potatoes but in french fries and esp mashed potatoes with pretty much any thing I would eat. the only other vegetables my dad had at home were peas and corn. After diagnosed my dad didnt make a big deal since my mom and her family were all obese and most had type 2. he told me that I was bound and destined to get it and not much could be done and that I should just live my life the same as before. he also said well at least you are not eating animal products, so you are healthy, and would pretty much tell me not to worry about the type 2 since I was meant to have it and it would not affect me that much and to just embrace life with things that I enjoy, and he ended up getting me a box of donuts that day and made a vegan cake at home which I ended up eating both. Somethings have changed in my diet but not alot. I lost my mom at 15 because her diabetes wasnt controlled. I’m now 18, 19 in November and as I been typing this I had a 20oz bottle of sunkist and a 20oz bottle of fanta already. I still live at home, weigh 485 pounds, and have some nerve damage already, many er visits starting from age 13 to this year, and all I find myself doing most days is eating and sitting around all day until I go to bed. I dont have any other family to go to and no friends either. I cant drive but attempted a test in January and was told I was too big for any of the vehicles and some other person there also for a test had told me as I was leaving ‘you dont need to drive and to just walk to the buffet since I clearly need the exercise. I just really want to live a long life and have only the healthier foods but am finding it hard to do all by myself. my dad doesnt take me to the doctor or regular appts, only once I have another emergency. I find with my size and to top it off my autism its hard for me to talk, and cant go into an interview alone because of how sucky my social skills are & therapy sadly isnt a option since insurance doesnt cover it and its expensive. What can I do? I am just really confused and feel pretty dumb that I dont know what to do.
Hi Jessenia,
Thank you so much for sharing your story. I’m so sorry you’ve been through so much during your youth including the incredible losses and difficulties you have faced. But just that you are writing us means that you are looking for hope and help. Your size is not an indicator of your value and worth. Being that you are now an adult, there are opportunities to make small, simple changes that over time will make a very big difference.
Malnutrition can happen at any body size. This is more common than most realize. There is no perfect way of eating and many things impact our food choices and access to food.
A few ideas to start with:
As much as possible, hydrate with water. This helps blood sugar control and keeps your blood flowing well.
Eating regular meals – even just a sandwich and fruit – at any meal of the day is simple and inexpensive.
Typical exercise such as walking may be a challenge, but increasing movement throughout the day can also help you feel better and improve blood sugar control.
If possible, limit screen time to 2 hours/day, increase listening to music, hobbies and crafts – this really does make a difference.
For the most part, try to keep a regular sleep schedule of at least 7 to 9 hours/ night.
If you can see a physician and ask for a referral to a registered dietitian/diabetes educator, this may be covered by insurance. Many such as myself are seeing patients virtually now, so you don’t even have to leave your home, which may make this easier.
I work with many young people and we know you have great power and potential to make changes. Our job is not to tell you what to do, but to help you make the best choices in your reality. Our job is to respect you as a valuable and worthy person and to encourage you along the way. Please let us know if we can assist with finding a registered dietitian/diabetes educator to work with.
I came to this site and read this article to feel better, now I just feel worse. This is horrible and terrifying and my numbers aren’t even that bad yet.
Hi Eliza, We’re so sorry you had that reaction to this article. Our intent is always to educate, help and support people so they are less afraid and feel more empowered to take control of their health. You may want to consider connecting with a Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist who can work with you individually. Information on how to find one can be found here: https://tcoyd.org/2019/10/10-reasons-why-you-should-know-about-certified-diabetes-educators-and-how-to-find-one/
Also, we do have live virtual conferences that are free (our next one is on November 7th) and you can ask questions directly to diabetes specialists who may be able to help with any specific questions you may have.
Hope that helps.
I was diagnosed two days ago with type 2 diabetes
Sugar rate 147 :
38 years old
192 cm tall
I weigh 120 kilos
I changed my food habits and started exercising
According to your experience
How many years will my sexual ability remain with me with a healthy penis?
Thank you for everything you do
At this stage since you are controlling your diabetes…probably as long as it would have been if you did not get diabetes. Most men over 50 do notice some decline in function and that is what Cialis is for! Speak to your doctor.
I am 29
My blood sugar keeps changing
My ac1is 5.3
But the doc says I have neuropathy
What could be the cause?
The list of causes that could be neuropathy is extensive, and very commonly has nothing to do with diabetes. I would suggest typing into google all the difference causes for neuropathy, and see if anything relates to your history.
Hello, I was just given my A1c results and I was told it is 6.8. Does this mean I will be put on medication or have to take insulin shots? I’m terrified. Can someone tell me what to expect when I go over the results with my doctor?
The goal for people with diabetes is less than 7%, so you are good. At this point lifestyle modification is key. Check out our video vault and “Basics & Beyond” videos:
Thank you so much for your encouragement, it means more than you know. I needed to hear that right now.
Anytime! And if you are able to catch our next upcoming virtual seminar on Feb 27th, you will find a lot of great info there as well, and lots of caring people who are happy to help and share resources.
Being newly diagnosed, unemployed and uninsured has been stressful and isolating. Navigating all the information out there is overwhelming. So much of it contradicts other information. I am on metformin through the county hospital, but so many questions. Like how long should it take to get my blood sugar to normal levels? I’m ranging between 200-275 and eating very little. Mostly non starchy vegetables and chicken breast. Terrified to put food in my mouth. I don’t have another appointment with county for 2 months. When first diagnosed 2 weeks ago my numbers were over 300, so maybe it’s a good sign they are gradually going lower. I’m worried I’m not doing enough.
Hi David,
If your numbers are in the range of 200-275 and you’ve already cut back on your calorie intake, you most likely will need to add another medication in addition to metformin. This is very common. You might want to call the county and see if you can get something prescribed over the phone before your next visit. It does seem to me that you need to add another medication, and there are lots of good ones on the market.
19 year old stepson, kid has never listened to anything I have tried to get him to do healthy physical activity or eating. Last year in Nov he was diagnosed a type2 pregnancy. Was warned to go for walks, be physically active, What a joke. The kid refuses to go for walks. He eats ALL THE TIME and I am talking junk food fast food pizza, soda just crap. Plus the meals his mother makes him.dinner. He normally will have 5 to 6 FULL meals a day. All of this with zero exercise. He was mad at dr. When diagnosed in Nov. But now he just eats all day/night. I hate that his mom will probably end up burying him
I have tried to talk but no body wants to hear what I say.
It’s a tough situation for sure. You may want to reach out to the Behavioral Diabetes Institute, a Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist or a family counselor for support. Here is another article with some additional resources as well:
Hi! my fasting blood sugar is 7.1, Am I diabetic? I am thinking it must be a mistake because my fasting went up to 13 hours. All labs were normal including ECG. I am really anxious. I did not take the meds but have been really careful of my diet. I am even limiting my calories intake to 600. pls enlighten me. I am really worried.
Try not to worry too much. If I were you, I’d get the FreeStyle Libre 14 day sensor. It will give you so much information, it will take your stress away.
I went to doctor yesterday morn. She did chest X-ray and labs including a1c. I had been losing weight and I have never been overweight so wasn’t trying to lose weight. She called this morning and said I was diabetic (not pre) and it was hereditary. My aunt and several cousins had “brittle” diabetes (all deceased from complications). She started me on metformin since I flat said I won’t start with insulin. I do have a couple unknown as of yet what kind cyst found on pancreas mri in may and she’s sending me to gastroenologist. My question is; everything I find is about losing weight to help a1c but at 64, fairly active, 5’5” I weigh 125 now. Other than meds what can be done if you don’t need to lose weight. My husband who was on dialysis for 11 yrs died 3 yrs ago and frankly I live alone and I’m afraid of the road ahead. Any suggestions is appreciated. I’ve enjoyed reading but most said they need to lose. Lost here.
THIS REPLY IS VERY IMPORTANT FOR YOU. There’s a very good chance that you have type 1 diabetes – also called LADA when you get it later in life. You do not have type 2 diabetes. You will most likely need insulin, and you really need to be seen by a diabetes expert to get tested and on proper therapy. For more information on LADA, we have two videos you can watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qOh3C5_kJng&t=1s and in the type 1 section of our video vault, there is another video called “LADA LADA”: https://tcoyd.org/video-vault/
Also, we have a free virtual diabetes conference next Saturday (August 7th) and we will have a live Q&A with diabetes doctors if you’d like to attend. You can register here: https://tcoyd.org/tcoyd-aug-2021/ and you’ll have access to watch all the videos for free for 30 days.
I recently had full blood work. First time in years. I have an A1C of 6.5 and high cholesterol. My new and annoying doctor called me up and said that “You need to take Metformin and Rosuvastatin. The prescription has been phoned in. Bye” End of call. So no formal diagnosis for anything.
However I’ve been reading up and have put myself on a diabetic / low fat diet. I don’t do well with moderation, so I’ve just cut all processed carbs, sugar, red meat, booze (I allow myself one glass of wine per month) and dairy. I mostly eat veg, some fruit, lean proteins, avocados and those disgusting diabetes shakes.
Am I on a fools mission? Or should I keep doing what I’m doing.
Note: I also have moderate emphysema and am on Apixaban.
If your A1c is 6.5, that is considered excellent and you do not need any other medication. Without knowing your cholesterol levels, you may need Rosuvastatin which lowers LDL which is extremely important.
But statins cause and worsen neuropathy
Dr. Edelman says that is definitely not true.
Excellent site. Thank you.
I was just diagnosed with pre diabetes and instructed to modify diet.
I have had many panic attacks thinking’this is it’………….However this site has alleviated many worries. I now feel positive thanks to you.
i was instructed to take Metformin but the big day will be end of this year when A1C is taken.
I have been super healthy for 76 years and this diagnoses flawed me.
Again, what a wonderful warm, caring site. To those who administer many , many thanks.
What a nice comment! Thank you so much – we’re glad the website has been helpful to you. We also have a free virtual online conference coming up on December 11th (registration will be opening soon) and we hope you can join us then. Take good care!
I’m 65 and been on and off Atkins for 39 years used to run 5-10 miles a day for 30 years and still do the 10,000 steps a day. I haven’t used sugar in 30 years except for the occasional snack. I have bad disc degeneration qnd bulging discs in my neck and lower back. Lately my arms and hands particularly my thumb, index and middle finger have been going numb at night in bed and now in the last two weeks my feet are numb most of the time. My right thigh has been a little numb for a few years. My doctor did say to me that I was pre diabetic but didn’t say to
Do anything. At first we thought the numbness was due to neck and back issues but now I’m scared I’m going to
Lose my feet. I have an appointment with a neurologist and my GP in 2 weeks and an going to insist on a Diabetes test. Can numbness be bad with just pre diabetic? I’m scared.
Neuropathy is a very common condition in people without diabetes as well. It can be severe in people with prediabetes, but don’t let that scare you. The most important thing really is to keep an eye on your feet and make sure you inspect them and make sure you inspect them at least once a day and makes sure you didn’t step on a tack or something and didn’t realize it.
That doesn’t help. I wake up in a panic all numb and think of amputations
Dr. i just have my medical check up last Friday and my fasting glucose level is 7.5 and my A1C is 7.8.
Am I in high risk and still can reverse my A1C back to below 7 through lose weight , diet and exercise ?
I am 44 male.
With weight loss and lifestyle changes, it’s possible.
I feel like i have diabetes.im only 22 i was on antipsychotic medication which had caused it now im suffering the consequences.
First of all, I suggest seeing a good diabetes specialist. Secondly, in general, some of the atypical antipsychotics can cause an elevation in glucose, but if there’s no tendency toward diabetes, the glucose should return to normal when the medication is stopped. But everybody is different.
My husband blames my for getting diagnosed, says your parents had amd so you. When ever he comes withe for doctors visit he stays far away. I can’t even go for walk or jog cos I jave 2 small kids and they depend on me. I do not jave his support how do I get my diabetes down. My morning are always over 128 with insulin.
Unfortunately, you’re not alone out there. This is a common situation, however you’re going to have to take control of your own diabetes. See if you can get some exercise equipment in the house so you can use it when the kids take a nap, or you can find free exercise videos online, and do things on your own to stay healthy. I predict that sooner or later your husband will come around.
I gained 85 pounds at 9 years old, went blind between 10 and 12, was diagnosed as T2 at 19, and only began consistently controlling it at 26. I’m TERRIFIED that I’ve been killing myself for 15 years without knowing it. Stage 1 kidney disease, possible heart disease… I’m scared.
I’m so sorry for your medical problems. The good news is that if you’re in stage 1, you’re in good shape, and now is a good time to take control. Your case is obviously complicated…find a good doctor who cares about you, and get as knowledgeable as you can. You can start by going to the TCOYD video vault on our website and listen to the videos we have on type 2 diabetes and kidney disease. They are also available on YouYube as well.
Loved the article, but you got one thing wrong. For the majority of people, diabetes is your fault. True, genetics may “load the gun”, but it is diet and lifestyle that pulls the trigger. It is becoming clearer every day that excess fat consumption (especially saturated fat) pulls the trigger for diabetes. Eating a whole food plant based diet low in fat can reverse it.
I do not agree with your statement. I do agree that if you have the genetic tendency, gaining excess weight will pull the trigger, however, there are millions of Americans who are extremely heavy who do not develop diabetes, and that is because they do not have the genetic fit.
I recently went from a normal A1C (5.4), to an A1C of 7.0. I am a non-smoking, non-drinking, lifelong vegetarian. I am wondering if a b-12 deficiency made for a false high. I am seeing my provider tomorrow and asking for a second A1C. But this all seems bananas to me. I found this article definitely in the mindset of “what the heck- how?”
Without any more information, most likely it is not the B-12 deficiency. However if you do have diabetes, just so you know, staying around 7 is an ideal range.
I was just diagnosed with diabetes mellitus type 2 last night.. I was diabetic long time ago with my first kidney transplant I took insulin I eventually got off the insulin and was doing great for years on end. Now it’s like waking up from a nightmare again I am little nervous about the whole thing that it could be genetic runs in family us this possibility? I am out of practice on everything what to eat how much etc I been trying to eat lots of fruits and vegetables I just want to know what i can have and how much. I am 39 years old I just am still trying to understand how this could happen when I watch everything my meals, weight etc..
Hi Elizabeth,
Yes, type 2 diabetes does have a genetic component to it, so don’t put that on yourself! Here are a few ideas and resources that can hopefully help get you started:
1. See if your doctor can refer you to a nutritionist or dietitian. It can be covered under insurance with a physician referral. If you aren’t able to go that route, here are two nutritionists we have worked with before, and I believe they do virtual appointments:
2. You might want to look into getting an appointment with a Certified Diabetes Care & Education Specialist. Here is a little bit more about them: https://tcoyd.org/2019/10/10-reasons-why-you-should-know-about-certified-diabetes-educators-and-how-to-find-one/
3. If you are interested in learning more about low-carb eating, here are a few resources:
We have a lot of other resources on our website and on our youtube channel:
Hope that helps!
Morning All, I am a man, 55 years old.I have been Diagnosed with Type 2 Mellitus Diabetes with Hyperlipidaemia (High Colestrol – count 14.5, my A1 count is 25.6,High blood pressure 225 over 160. I inject 13 times a day. I struggle with keeping my count stable, I can only prick my 1 hands fingers for test, my other hand had an accident 2 years ago, nurves still growing. I follow the eating plan to a T as per Dietician,I am not overweight at all, 82kg lost 27 kg in the past month before I went to Dr for answers. So Im Diabetic….wad in ICU for the past week, got out Tuesday…Im worried like crazy…and feel I did not receive enought detail, I dont understand or know what to do, any help and suggestions will be appreciated. Regards Stephen
Hi Stephen,
There is a lot of hope for you, you just need to get on the right medications and get educated. Please check out our video vault in the type 2 section for the most recent video on being newly diagnosed with type 2 (given by Dr. Schafer Boeder) here:
Your case sounds really complicated and you probably need to be tested to see if you have type 1 diabetes, vs type 2, and that is an easy blood test called GAD antibody test. I don’t want to get into treating you over the internet, but you really need a good endocrinologist. I can assure you, once you get on the right medications, you will do a lot better. Lastly for now, get a continuous glucose monitor, either Dexcom or FreeStyle Libre. That is crucial!
Hello. I am a 68 year old woman recently diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes (an A1c of 11.4). I was floored! There is no one in my immediate family (parents, 7 siblings, 3 sons, 11 nieces & nephews) with Type 2. One of my sons was diagnosed with Type 1 at the age of 29 and 1 niece diagnosed with Type 1 at the age of 7. I have had 2 heart attacks (one at age 59 and another at age 66). Both required placement of 1 stent. The one at age 66 was 4 days after surgery to remove an ovary and I somewhat blame that. I don’t have high blood pressure and my cholesterol is fine (I do take a statin). I am doing my best to evaluate what I eat in terms of calories, carbs, fiber, sodium, and added sugar. I lost 20 lbs rather quickly before realizing that I had diabetes. My eyesight is a mess right now – my eye doctor told me that I’ve lost 40% of my nearsightedness so my glasses are useless. She said this will rectify in a couple of months. I test probably obsessively right now as I have an appt with a diabetes educator in a week and want to have data for her to look at and help me evaluate. It’s all very overwhelming right now but I’m doing my best. Thanks for the opportunity to share my story. Enjoy the 4th everyone!
It sure sounds like you’ve been through a lot of medical issues, but hang in there with your eyes, they will get better over time. As far as your diabetes goes, make sure that your doctor puts you on a GLP-1 RA such as Ozempic or Trulicity – both of which have been shown to reduce heart attacks and strokes and have been approved by the FDA for that use. Feel free to reach out if you have issues, but it’s good that you’re seeing a diabetes educator, and you seem to have a very positive attitude, which helps!
Thank you for your response. My doctor prescribed Jardiance 10 mg once a day so far. It seems to be working as long as I don’t over do it with the carbs.
Well I just got told I have type 2 diabetes am I scared now yes I am I am 61 and am not looking for a funeral yet so I will start taking my meds he prescribed and changing my life style I dont drink or smoke but my diet sucks so now it is a 160 degree change
You can do it, George! Hope you find the other resources on our website helpful. We have lots of educational videos on our website here:
https://tcoyd.org/vv-t2d/ and also on our youtube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/user/TCOYDtv
Hope that helps, and let us know if you have questions along the way.
I’m 36. I just had my sugar level checked a few minutes ago and it was 15.9. I will go and see a doctor on Monday. I’m very nervous as hell.
I love this page
Hi, I am female, 60 years and 140 pounds, 5 foot 6 so not overweight and never had been. Diabetes runs strong on my father’s side and I think it’s all type 2 although many of those people are thin also. My dad was somewhat overweight but never needed insulin, diabetic for at least 20 years.
So I was diagnosed pre diabetic 10 years ago with A1c 5.7. I instantly switched to a low carb diet and stuck to it strictly. In the past 10 years my A1c has basically sat in the 5.6 to 5.9 range (not increasing, just bounces around a bit) the whole time. My fasting blood glucose is generally 95 to 110 on my home meter. My home meter readings throughout the day are 87 to 120. Does not exceed 130s, however if I was on a normal carbohydrate diet I believe all of this would be way worse. Once years ago I ate something I didn’t know had real sugar and I got a reading of 180. So basically I am controlling everything by diet.
So the problem is that I have an anxiety disorder. I have a very easy to trigger fight or flight response around medical problems, doctors, medical tests. Since the pandemic started my official lab fasting tests have sometimes been quite high for me, in the low 120s which is very close to a diabetes diagnosis which is terrifying to me. 126 would be a diagnosis, and then that would be stuck to my name forever, causing me to have to have many more medical tests/doctor visits forever, which is my phobia. To be clear my A1c is still in the same range. My home readings are still in the same range as before pandemic. But having a lab blood test seems to cause more anxiety now and there’s nothing I can do about it and I can’t explain it. It feels like I had one bad reading and it got in my head and has stuck around ever since and it affects my results. I can’t live this way. Why does the lab fasting result mean more than my own home testing with hundreds of tests (BTW same issue with blood pressure at doctor vs blood pressure at home)? Am terrified to get one more blood test. I test at home before going in for an official test to make sure my glucose is in the 90s because it’s always jumped up a little, like 5 to 7 points by the time they take my blood. However in the past 3.5 years it has jumped from 98 at home to the low 120s at the lab which is an increase of over 20 points in less than an hour. This is confirmed by my meter’s high reading when I get home so I know my meter is accurate (It’s a Free Style lite). I don’t want the CGM because I would obsess about it every darn day and night, due to anxiety disorder. But I do not know what to do; am due for test and don’t want to go because I know I will screw up my own results. Have you ever heard of anything like this?
Hi Kerri,
I’m sorry to hear what you’re going through. It’s not uncommon, and oftentimes people find great benefit in seeing a psychologist who specializes in this area, like Dr. Bill Polonsky or Dr. Susan Guzman at the Behavioral Diabetes Institute:
Hope that helps.
NEWLY DIAGNOSED .suffer from anxiety so hard to accept.can i tbe possible to diagnose diabetes with only one positive test albeit very high .cant help thinkign i should have had a fasting test rather than allowing me to drink sugar two mins before.do all people diagnised have a number of test sbefore doctor drops it on you
Typically if a blood sugar is really high (let’s say, over 200) that’s all you need. Typically the next test is the A1c, which will tell you it’s not just one moment in time. So make sure you get that.