Despite the challenges of living with T1D in Alaska, TCOYD supporter Mary Larsen charges full steam ahead, leading a full and adventurous life with T1D.
read more →Despite the challenges of living with T1D in Alaska, TCOYD supporter Mary Larsen charges full steam ahead, leading a full and adventurous life with T1D.
read more →LADA (Latent Autoimmune Diabetes in Adults) is the most missed diagnosis in diabetes. It’s often initially diagnosed as type 2 because the loss of pancreatic beta cells is much slower than the more “traditional” form of type 1.
read more →Dr. P and Dr. E share tips 6-10 of their top 10 tips on how to stay sane living with diabetes. This condensed version came from Dr. Pettus’ lecture at our 2019 ONE Conference & Retreat.
read more →In this condensed (and PG!) version of Dr. Pettus’ lecture from the 2019 ONE Conference & Retreat, Dr. Pettus and Dr. Edelman share easy, funny and stress-reducing tips on how to take the edge off day-to-day diabetes management.
read more →TrialNet is an international network of leading academic institutions, physicians, scientists and healthcare teams dedicated to the prevention of type 1 diabetes. They offer risk screening for relatives of people with type 1 diabetes and innovative clinical studies to preserve insulin production.
read more →A new oral medication for T1D is awaiting FDA approval, and it’s shown fewer highs, fewer lows, and more predictable insulin dosing in recent studies.
read more →What happens when you accidentally inject yourself with a big dose of the wrong insulin? Author Sarah Durrand shares how an extreme low blood sugar led her to one of her highest achievements.
read more →Have you ever left a doctor’s appointment feeling like you were too rushed or didn’t get all the answers you needed? Here’s how to get the most from time with your medical team.
read more →Blood sugar testing at the dinner table? A diabetic downing a dessert? The horror!
Dr. Edelman shares some creative reminders on how NOT to dine with a diabetic.
We’ve all heard of it, but do you even know what your thyroid does? The thyroid gland is one of the most important organs in the human endocrine system. Hormones produced in the thyroid help regulate how the body uses and stores energy.
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