A Dose of Drs. E+P: 2024 New Year’s Resolutions to NOT Keep!

It’s not like us to follow the crowd, so we’re flipping the script on New Year’s resolutions since they usually just make us feel like a failure by February 1st. We’re taking the pressure off this year and going for some small-ish, positive-ish changes we know we can make. Here are our resolutions – and more importantly our non-resolutions – for 2024.

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This Diabetes Awareness Month, Don’t Forget about the Things You Do RIGHT!

A Dose of Dr. E and P

How often do you celebrate your wins with diabetes? Have you ever? Take a moment and pat yourself on the back for all the things you manage on a daily basis. Woke up with a decent blood sugar? Nailed a bolus? Took a walk around the block instead of watching Seinfeld? Drs. E+P remind us how important it is to celebrate our victories, big and small.

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Diabetes Breakfasts: Thinking Outside the (Cereal) Box!

Diabetes Breakfasts

No offense to Tony the Tiger, but breakfast cereals aren’t always “GRRREAT”! In fact, many cereals and other common breakfast foods are loaded with carbs and sugar. So how can we break our fast without also spiking our blood sugar? Drs. E+P offer several diabetes-friendly breakfast ideas and easy substitutions of old favorites to get the day started off on the right foot.

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Size Matters! All About Needles and Multiple Daily Injections

May 2023 Dose of Doctors E and P on MDI

Are you a rule follower or are you a rebel when it comes to injections? Do you faithfully use alcohol wipes, or do you casually stick yourself through your shirt? Drs. E+P share which injection rules are okay to break, and which ones to follow. They discuss proper technique, needle size, lipohypertrophy, and a unique methodology Dr. E invented himself that’s now on Wikipedia!

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