Five Things You Should Know Before You Work Out

It’s January first again…or six weeks from your class reunion or two weeks before your oldest daughter’s wedding and you’ve decided to work out. Yay! Good for you. I’ll bet you can’t wait to get started. But hold on there sunshine. There’s a few things you ought to know before you lace up your sneakers and get going. Specifically, here are five things that will help keep you healthy, happy and safe as you exercise.

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Two New Combo Drugs Help Blood Sugar Control for Type 2s

Soliqua and Xultophy

Achieving glucose goals is a critical part of overall diabetes management. The better the glucose control the lower the risk of long-term complications . Taking two or more glucose-lowering medications is usually needed in people with type 2 diabetes to achieve normal or near-normal glucose control.

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Finding Your Starting Point with the Rock the Block Exercise

If you’ve exercised recently (even if inconsistently) it’s pretty easy to figure out where you should start with your workouts. Pick a recent workout that felt somewhat challenging but comfortable. Figure out how long and how hard you worked out. This is your starting point. But what if you haven’t worked out in a while (or ever)? How do you know where to start?

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